General News Sanitation

48% of sachet water services faecally contaminated-WASH consultant




Mr Musah Ibrahim, a consultant at Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) has expressed worry over Ghana’s performance in terms of accessing to safely managed water and safely Sanitation services in line with SDGs which is still low.

Speaking at National Training Workshop on Sanitation on the theme, Achieving Open Defecation – Free Ghana by 2030; The Role of the WASH Journalist, organized by supported by GAMA and Sanitation
He stated that, there are still challenges with water quality as about 48% of improved sachet water and 10% of of water from Ghana water company services are faecally contaminated despite government and other organizations efforts to improved water and Sanitation Hygiene for all by 2030, as 75% of water at the point of use at households level having traced.

He disclosed that, the 2021 Population and Housing Census (PHC) reported that, ten leading Open Defecations areas in Ghana are Northern Ghana as Wa East leading with 89.6%, and Bongo district as the least with 81.7%.

He underscored that, Nabdam record 89%, Mamprugu Moaduri 88%, North East Gonna 86%, Nanumba North Municipal 82.6% while Nanumba South 82.1%.

The WASH consultant disclosed that, the role of Ghana WASH Journalist Network (GWJN) is to ensure that, the media to report on compelling stories, reporting on marginalized in society, Women, girls, children and People Living with Disabilities (PLWDs).
He urged them to be objective and factual by the use of fair methods to obtain information and respect the confidentially of the source devoid of negative Stereotyping, like poor sanitation and Hygiene attitude of a particular groups.
He underscored that, the indications in 2022 includes proportion using safely managed drinking water services,
Proportion of population using safely managed Sanitation services, proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality and the level of water stress freshwater withdrawal of a proportion of available freshwater resources, adding that, in 2018 faecal matter in water estimated over 40%.

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