General News Sanitation

20222 MOLE XXXIII Wash Conference Ends

The 2022 MOLE XXXIII Wash Conference which was organized by the Coalition of NGOs in water and sanitation under the Theme: “Ghana’s Commitment To Water , Sanitation and Hygiene: Connecting Systems To Bridge Service Delivery Gaps Preamble” has ended  today.
The annual Mole WASH Conference is a CSO-led multi-stakeholder platform aimed at reviewing sector performance, influencing policies, removing barriers, and promoting access to sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene services.
The 5-day conference was opened by Hon. Issahaku Chinia, Deputy Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources with solidarity messages from the World Bank Country Director, Mr. Pierre Laporte, Executive Secretary of the Environmental Service Providers Association (ESPA), Ms. Ama Ofori Antwi and the 2022/23 Child Sanitation Diplomat, Miss Maame Akua Ohenewaa Gyimah.
The opening session of the conference was chaired by representative of Chief of Nana Kodjo Konduah IV, Omanhene of Edina Traditional Council, Elmina.
 The ranking and deputy ranking members of Parliament Works and Housing Committee attended conference. The theme address was delivered by the Water Aid West Africa Regional Director, Dr. Abdul-Nashiru Mohammed.
The conference, which discussed five sub-themes – Areawide Approaches in WASH Service Delivery; Multi-stakeholder Partnerships in WASH Service Delivery; Innovative WASH Financing; Shared Accountability for WASH Services Delivery and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in WASH Service Delivery. Conference was attended by one hundred and twenty-one 180 participants drawn from Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Development Partners, CSOs, NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, Academic and Research Institutions, Private Sector and the Media attended the conference.
        THE CALLS
   At the close of deliberations, Conference resolves as follows:
1. Conference commends MSWR on the strides made on Sector Information System (SIS). However, the MWSR should fast track baseline data collection in all 261 MMDAs to feed into the SIS and roll out by July,2023. In this regard, CONIWAS members in the districts are ready to support the baseline data collection between January and November 2023.
2. CONIWAS would consciously work to strengthen WASH Systems by deliberately demonstrating linkages between relevant system building blocks in all projects and ongoing sector reforms. CONIWAS will partner with some INGOs to provide capacity building/training on System Strengthening building to members by November,2023.
3. CONIWAS would build on the unique opportunity for engaging Parliamentary Select Committee on Works and Housing to promote budgetary allocations to related sectors of WASH, Health, and Education through cross-sectoral and system strengthening approaches. CONIWAS will continuously play advocacy role with Ministry of Finance to ensure timely and adequate release of allocated funds.
4. Conference recognizes the urgent need to strengthen enforcement of regulations and accountability on Institutional WASH (health, education, and prisons) at all levels. We call on Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior to demonstrate active leadership and prioritize the provision of, and enforce standards WASH standards in all health care facilities, basic and secondary schools by November,2023.
5. Conference further calls on MSWR to expedite action towards establishing the National Sanitation Authority and the National Sanitation Fund. Other innovative financing like revolving funds that can offer low interest loans needs to expand to support poor households.
CONIWAS will continue its advocacy (including lobbying) on the NSA and submit report to conference by November,2023.
6. Conference calls on Ministry of Finance and MSWR to take immediate steps to develop a framework for managing the Sanitation and Pollution Levy (SPL). The Ministry of Finance should take immediate measures to render account of inflows and disbursements made on the SPL. CONIWAS would continue to engage Parliamentary Select Committee and Ministry of Finance on the SPL between January,2023 and November,2023.
7. The role of the Private Sector in WASH System Strengthening agenda is indispensable. Conference calls on the CWSA and the MSWR to make specific provisions in the new CWSA reform bill currently before parliament. The new CWSA law should create an enabling environment to strengthen the private sector to lead initiatives for the delivery of WASH services to achieve Government’s agenda of job creation and Local Economic Development.

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