General News Politics

Ghana will be a better place when we believe in it -COKA



Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah,former constituency chairman of Afigya Kwabre South on the ticket of the NPP has said that ,Ghana will be a great Country when we all believe in it.

He said,traveling outside Ghana to work cannot make one a millionaire.

“Look around here in Ghana and tell me the richest people we know; which of them got their money abroad?.

Yesterday, l watched a video on tik tok and after watching, l broke down in tears. Hard truth. It was a man who was describing Africa as a cemetery for africans because any African who becomes rich will buy houses in America, Canada or Europe.

When an african becomes rich, his or her bank accounts is in Switzerland, his or her kids go to school abroad, he or she will travel to France or UK for medical treatment, he or she will make investments at Germany, buy from Dubai, go to Europe or America for holidays, consume goods from China and pray in Rome, lsreal, or Mecca but when they die, they will be buried in their native country.

How can a cemetery be developed?
At the end of the video, l asked myself, “how many rich men from the west have property in Ghana; Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or who?”

It is Ghanaians who will develop Ghana. Coka,l care Source: Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah ( COKA)

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