
Impunity, corruption, arrogance the prime character of the current leadership – Mahama



Former President John Dramani Mahama has bemoaned the outright disregard for integrity in leadership that has eroded the once revered moral fibre of society.

With the increasing corruption and thievery that has plundered Ghana’s economy into crisis, John Mahama is perturbed at the rate with which people have chosen to celebrate social vices instead of exhibiting abhorrence for it.

Speaking at the commemorative lecture for the late Prof. John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills which was held in Kumasi Thursday, July 27, 2023, John Mahama noted that “our economy is in crisis, and there are hardships across the land, corruption and theft have become the new normal and not the exception.

“Impunity has enveloped our land and public officials carry themselves as if they own the country, ostentation has become the hallmark of the people in office and arrogance has become the prime character of the current leadership.

“If you look at all that is happening today, they were completely contrary to the attributes that Atta Mills espoused.”

Meanwhile, he said the ostentation, arrogance and impunity that have characterised the leadership of today were ascriptions opposite what his former boss espoused.

The flagbearer of the NDC described John Atta Mills as a man who was down to earth and possessed so much integrity, adding that he did not need to pile millions of dollars in his home to survive.

“Atta Mills was a man of integrity, and all of us can vouch for his integrity, he was a modest man and didn’t need millions of dollars in his house to survive,” he extolled.

According to John Mahama, the traits John Mills exuded are in short supply juxtaposing his deeds with those currently at the hem of affairs.

He cited such enviable attributes of his as the reason for celebrating him always, to instill a sense of duty on the current generation to emulate.

“For those of us who have worked with him closely, we will forever cherish his memory. That is why we continue to celebrate his life every year not because we want to worship him but because his attributes are in such short supply in Ghana today that we need to continue to celebrate him and repeat his attributes so those in public leadership today will learn from the man Atta Mills,” he indicated.

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