
AN OPEN LETTER: Movement for Change;The shift from Cold, Lukewarm to Hot



I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!
So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth (Revelation 3:15-16).

I have observed with Interest comments and contributions from different persons across several platforms. These have led me to conclude that, Acclaimed Followers of Movement for Change depict 3 character traits. These traits I have chosen to name COLD, LUKEWARM and HOT.

*COLD*: These are people who are party loyalist regardless of a Leader’s vision. Once a Leader is chosen out of a party’s electoral process, they feel obliged to defend and project the Candidate elected. Most of these persons felt, Mr. Alan Kyerematen has contributed his quota within the NPP and hence it was time for him to lead the NPP. They will only support and vote for Chief Alan as long as he stayed in their party(NPP). They do not have ill- thoughts about Chief Alan except a regret of losing him in the beloved party.

*LUKEWARM*: These are people who are always in a dilemma: The love for Party or Love for a Candidate. Their personal feeling or opinion about circumstances or happenings within a party, influence them to stay true to the Party or defect with a Candidate (in case of resignation from the party). They would often say, they like Alan, but they can’t leave or betray NPP.

*HOT*:These are people driven by policies of Candidates even with internal party politics. They look out for a Candidate with Great ideas that could turn the fortunes of the entire nation. Anytime such Candidates defect from a Party, these people are ready to sacrifice their loyalty.
They are driven by realistic and achievable plans espoused by the Candidate.

Congratulations! the Bold and Beautiful. You have chosen to be Hot. Like Moses (Hebrews 11:24-25), you have grown up, refused to be known as Sons and Daughters of the Great NPP or classified as floating voter or even defect from the NDC. You have chosen the path of Movement for Change.
Be Bold and stand by your decision. Speak aloud our vision, and make it simple for the illiterate.
Let us demonstrate commitment, dedication and hardworking.

Stay *HOT*

Together we win Win.
Movement for Change!
Ghana will Rise Again!

Concerned Supporter,
Paul Nkrumah
Suame Constituency

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