
Registrar of Companies threatens to strike out GJA,GBA,63 others



The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) and the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) are among a large number of professional bodies that risk being struck out from the national register of companies for failing to submit their annual accounts and update their certificate of membership.

Out of the 91 registered Professional Bodies (PBs), only 26 have complied with the directive of the Registrar of Professional Bodies to renew their professional bodies certificates and that of their members.

If they fail to rectify their records by June 30, the extended deadline, the 65 who have also not complied could face legal action The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) said it had initiated legal proceedings to that effect, explaining that this action had become necessary due to non-compliance with Section 16 of the Professional Bodies Registration Act 1973. Some of the bodies have been in default for more than two years.

A statement issued on May 13 stated: “The exercise has become imperative due to failure by these Professional Bodies to file their annual accounts and update their Certificate of Membership in accordance with Section 16 of the Professional Bodies Registration Act, 1973, NRCD 143 with the Registrar of Professional Bodies.”

Latex Foam
The decision to take action was arrived at during a meeting with the executive council members of all the registered professional bodies, the Registrar of Companies (ROC) who is the regulator of Professional Bodies.

Earlier, a directive had been given for all defaulting bodies to comply by December 2023, however, most of them had not done so, leaving the ORC with no option than threaten to take legal action.

“Following a meeting with the Executive Council Members of all registered Professional Bodies, the Registrar of Companies (ROC), who is the regulator of Professional Bodies, directed those who had been in default for more than two years and had not updated their members’ certification to do so by the end of December 2023 or risk their name being struck out from the Professional Bodies Register in accordance with Section 11(b) of the Professional Bodies Act 1973(NRCD 143),” the statement explained.

Being in good standing
The ORC, however, stated that professional bodies in default could be in good standing if they filed their annual accounts by June 30, 2024, being the deadline for the submission of Annual Returns to the Registrar of Professional Bodies.

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