
Kejetia traders chase executives for chopping GHC 5 billion cash donation from Bawumia 



Members of Combined Kejetia Traders Association have accused executives of the Association of chopping a whooping 5 Billion old cedis cash donations from Dr Bawumia, flagbearer of the NPP.

Read full Speech By The Association At A Press Conference…..

It is with all difficulty and great hesitation that we the combine kejetia traders’ association will have to get to this point and call in the press to make things clear and declare our strongest opposition going forward.

First of the issues are sequence of events surrounding the headpersons or self-acclaimed queen mothers of various items in the old central market.

Now, on the 6th December 2021 the combined kejetia central market traders’ associations received a letter of request from the Kumasi central market eleven (11) member steering committee (LBG ). Signatories to that letter were Nana Yaa Oforiwaa (the yam head person/ queen mother), Adjei Darko Grace (the Adwine head person/ queen mother), Comfort Serwaa (the tomatoes head person /queen mother) and Matthew K Fosu (the then newly selected chairman of the then above named group). The content of this letter simply acknowledging the existence and operations of a bigger body of traders’ front in the kejetia market. While seeking to be part of this bigger body, in that letter as well was a request or a plea to allow their newly selected chairman be part of the bigger united trader groups (combined kejetia central market traders associations).

This request was deliberated upon and subsequently the request of the Kumasi central Market eleven (11) member steering committee LBG of which as at then 44 item trading groups with their head persons’/ queen mothers as part were accepted. It was with progressive thinking and the larger interest of all traders who will eventually ply their trade in kejetia central market redeveloped as stated in this letter that we open our arms at full length to welcome and accept them as part of us. Little did we ever envisage that along the line deceitful tendencies, divisional actions and love for personal considerations will be forced down our throats.

Along the line of the operations of the combined kejetia central market traders’ associations was the up springing of some selfish individuals most of them operating in the kejetia market as traders but not original traders’ from the old kejetia or central market, claiming to be a breakaway group. The head persons in collaborations with other executive members of the combined kejetia central market traders’ associations’ brought the issue before the Asantehemaa and her cabinet. There and then the leader of the head persons (Nana Yaa Oforiwaa) of the various items of Kumasi central market eleven (11) member steering committee LBG declared never knowing this breakaway group of traders and as such they have to go fall under already existing various trading groups in the market. This position was affirmed by the Asantehemaa and her cabinet. Believing and knowing that this issue has been addressed, we went back to our normal business. Few months later we heard Nana Yaa Oforiwaa claiming that the big market of central market has been handed over to her to lead. This was not so much of a border because she was referring to the then demolished central market yet to be redeveloped. Little did we know that she will attempt extending her tentacles to the new kejetia market of which she has never been part of from inception let alone the old kejetia market. Fast forward the Managing director of Kumasi City market Limited became the lead crusader of the Nana Yaa Oforiwaa as the leader of the kejetia Market now as it is when even in reality she was never plying her trade in the old kejetia market or even the new kejetia. The combined traders’ leadership vehemently stated our opposition to this posture and crusade led by the Managing Director in meetings with him several times. Earlier this year combined traders had to bury one of our own who tragically lost his life last year march. Even during his one-week celebration the head persons’ / queen mothers were fully present. The very day while the body was been laid instate and we were morning him at konogo praso we heard news that the leader of the head persons’ / queen mothers along with other head persons’/ queen mothers had gone to introduce on Johnson Ankra to the Asantehemaa as one who will replace the dead chairperson of old kejetia traders’ association (late Anothny Kwabena Obeng) one of the groups under combine traders. At that point these head persons’/ queen mothers lied to the Asantehemaa and her cabinet that we all had chosen Johson Ankra as a successor. Combined traders vehemently deny and will be taking the matter up with Nana Asantehemaa to clear our name that we never knew anything about this. The late Obeng also double as the representative of the old kejetia traders’ association on the Board of Kumasi City market who originally had a slot on the board just as central market traders emblock had a representative as well. We as combine traders were shocked for so many reasons. Some of which was this not the same Johnson Ankra that Nana Yaa Oforiwaa and her fellow head persons declared to the Asantehemaa and her cabinet that they didn’t know him and will not accept them as a breakaway group as he was one of the leaders?

How was she and other head persons were able to outsmart the system by eating they words back introducing a man who is part of a group she and her head persons and the combine group jointly declared that they were not known and should go join already formed groups?
Johnson Ankra has never been part of the old kejetia traders’ association in the old kejetia so how could anyone think of him replacing the late Obeng?
How could someone who never was part of old kejetia trader’s association replace their representative on any board?
How could the choice of replacing a board representative be the prerogative of Nana Yaa Oforiwaa who was never part of old kejetia traders’ association but rather a trader at the central market who have their representative on the board as well.
What was the motivation of Nana Yaa Oforiwaa to disregard customs traditionally that on the day of the burial of the Late Obeng she will clandestinely introduce a completely different person to the Asantehemaa that he is a replacement? Right after that introduction they came to kejetia with brace band and powder with wield jubilation without regard to the sensitivity to the feelings to those mourning?
This era was so annoying but the whole combined traders restrained ourselves from any confrontations action. Surprisely the Managing Director subsequently had a meeting with them to welcome this shameful act.
Another point of action of division was when the Otumfou launched the heal Komfo Anokye project. Nana Yaa Oforiwaa ones again led the Head persons to a meeting of discussions with the combined leadership to jointly raise funds from kejetia, central market traders relocated to race course of which Nana Yaa Oforiwaa ply her trade to support the project. We bought into the idea of jointly raising funds because we still considered them as still part of us. We jointly set up a team to be in charge of raising the funds. Few months later we heard a rumor of a presentation to be done by Nana Yaa Oforiwaaand her group of head persons. We as a combined traders enquired from our representatives on the joint team if they were aware of the presentations and how come accountability had not been done yet presentation was going to be done? So how much was raise at race course and kejetia separately? All this was not done yet presentation was to be done. Our representatives said they were not aware of any supposed presentation whatsoever. The combined traders enquired from the MD of KCML if any presentation was going to be done because we all accepted that the management of kcml should be in charge of collection and keeping of any money for the funds raising. He affirmed that Nana Yaa Oforiwaa had told him he should bring the money and also Hiahene had asked him the MD to give the money out to be presented. We raise questions about this act and told the MD to hold on about releasing the money until we all settle accountability issues and how the presentation will be done. This was because there was a joint venture that we all set out on between kejetia and race course and the MD was officially aware. Strangely the MD went ahead and instructed the accountant of kcml to release the money to Nana Yaa Oforiwaa 5:30 am the following day at the blind side of combined leadership. In as much as we were disappointed and appalled we kept calm.

It was getting clear that the MD was on a mission of divide and rule to pave way for embezzlement and thievery.

When we of combined traders’ leadership had thought these action might not happen again because we expected archetures of them will come to a self-realization and change, the boom another selfish action sets in.
The love for personal consideration and self-gain was again perpetuated by the head persons’ /queen mothers with the lead role of Nana Yaa Oforiwaa. Funny and strangely Nana Yaa Oforiwaa has been for sometime now extended the use of Asantehemaa giving her power over markets to perpetuate hate, division, wading of any descent to her choice to action from the old central market to the kejetia market of which she was not part of and been run by a company now. Part of the new kejetia market was raised down by fire on the 15th March 2023.

It was a painful moment for traders plying their trade there. The market was closed for three days. Nana Yaa Oforiwaa was no where to be found in those trying times.

The market was to be closed for and extra one week, Nana Yaa Oforiwaa was never available to lead or help oppose this inhumane move.

It took the combined traders leadership to appeal to higher authorities to intervene. God been so good help through the Asante Regional Minister who spoke to the Vice President about it because he was in Kumasi around that time. Luckily the vice listened and asked that part of the market that was not affected be open for trading which necessary steps are taken to rebuild and open up the affect area.

On that visit the vice president made a pledge of support to the victims of the fire. After which the NPP also pledge to support the fire victims with 100000 Ghana cedis. Few days later Hon. Alan Kyeremanteng visited the market to commensurate with traders especially the fire victims. He gave out a cash of 100000 to be given to the fire victims. After some time, the pledge of the NPP was not materializing so the combined traders’ leadership made a follow up then the 100000 from the NPP was brought. Combined traders’ leadership in collaboration with the fire victims and kcml management with support for the Ghana national fire service which had a station there made sure the 200,000 Ghana cedis cash that has been got was shared among the victims.

Data of the fire victims were taken from the fire service because right from the day after the fire incident everybody was told to go give out details of them loses due to the fire.

So anyone who truly wanted data will fall on the fire service. Even the government committee that was set to investigate the fire incident relied on that data as a primary source for it work. Interestingly the publicly donated money to support the fire victims were shared among the victims with the full involvement of the MD who signed to affirm the document used to share out the money in the full glare of the media. It is therefore repulsive to hear anyone say today that the monies that came in for the fire victims was left in late Obeng account and not given out. For that we will leave it to the legal system to give us redress. On the 11th June 2024 the vice president of Ghana visited the kejetia market to meet and greet traders. The Thursday before his coming combined traders’ leadership had a meeting with the regional Minister on several issues affecting kejetia negatively. The leadership were never aware of the vice president coming. It was in the meeting with the Regional Minister that it was disclose when the issues surrounding the victims were raised. It was at this time that the regional minister promised to personally talk to the vice president to fulfill a pledge he made over a year ago to the fire victims when he visited then. Luckily when the vice president visited he redeem his pledge to the victims of the fire 15th march 2023 through the regional chairman of the party.

It was a public donation of 200000 Ghana cedis. Nana Yaa Oforiwaa and her fellow head persons’ sitting at the front row collected the money and when the MD ask the money to be brought she said it was given to them the head persons to share and not for the fire victims. This is what the MD told combined traders general secretary. We found this in a bad taste because no right thinking person will give out such huge sum of money to be shared for no course publicly. Even if the case was so any right thinking leader will agree that such huge sum of money will have to be use for something beneficial to all or large group of traders or under privilege group of traders and not share among leadership. The day after the receivable of the 200000 Ghana cedis which till date the Nana Yaa Oforiwaa lead head persons are struggling so hard to assign reason for which the claim the money was given for them to share.

To the point of even dragging the great name of manhyia into the mad by saying at the just ended Otumfou anniversary when a day was set aside for cooking various traditional meals, they the head persons lead by Nana Yaa Oforiwaa participated. The chief of staff at the presidency of Ghana brought huge cash to be shared but they didn’t get some. And that they had incurred losses for participating in the cooking. So they told the vice president and he gave them the 200000 Ghana cedis to offset their losses. We wish to as these questions
Even if that money was dish out to be shared which brings to question why, could part of that money be used to somehow fix the road to race course for business to pick up there?
Couldn’t part of the money be used to provide electricity to over 25 shops ho have no access to light as a result of the fire.
Why will a right thinking leaders who acknowledge the roll of their follower and feel their pain choose rather to share a whopping 200000 Ghana cedis among themselves rather use it for the benefit of all.
It a dark part of some leadership of traders from central market who use the name of the Asantehemaa to scare people who point out their wrongs to them. This certainly can not be leadership but rather exploitation of the suffering of fellow traders for personal gains.
In spite of all this the combined traders’ leadership pushed for the victims of the fire be addressed so the regional women organizer on hearing the intended agitation of the fire victims, consulted government official. She later brought 300000 Ghana cedis to be given to the fire victims. This money was handed over to the combined traders leadership in the presence of management of the kejetia market. Management members present were the Operations Manger and the Accountant as well as the janitorial officer. The combined traders’ leadership without any malice gave the money to the account to keep and that the fire victims will be called through their representative and money shared for them. Little did combined traders’ leadership know that the MD and Nana Yaa Oforiwaa were again planning to introduce more names into the sharing and maybe collect them at everyone blind side. As we speak the MD had succeeded in creating a buzz about the 300000 Ghana cedis and collected a newly qualitied list from his conspirators doing everything possible to partake in this one too. It a shame and nauseating. Does all those to benefit from the 300000 not know they are inviting curse on their generations unborn when they know very well that their shops never got burnt. We will like to state in clear terms that since the head persons have decided to go their separate ways so be it. We do not have anything to do with them and they should never use our name to negotiate anything for us.

Another issue of great importance is the appalling manner Mr. Kofi Duffour has handled kejetia cases which today has push us soo hard to take a resolution on his stay as the managing of Kumasi city market limited. If the authorities that been choose to keep him here we will not author and word but we will all live here and see if we will take a single instruction or direction or order from him as a managing director.
One may ask what has prompted us to get to this point. The MD came to meet combined traders here. He was introduced to us formerly and we introduced to him formerly at the crèche. We release the clandestine move of the MD when he connived with one of our traders Nana franko to introduce a parallel security to be check hawking food vender. And also sell ID card to hawkers who wish to sell here in kejetia without informing and of the stakeholders about it. When combined traders’ got wind of it and tried stopping it the MD claimed innocent but upon our further checks he had it planned out. That was the beginning of the planned frustration and end game of getting combined traders extinct. We wish to ask some questions of the MD and demand thorough investigations into them.
MD what happened to the external audit report that was conducted by auditors sent from KMA to audit KCML of which your turner was part.
MD where is the internal audit conducted by KCML internal auditor among items are locks that were fixed for shops and charged as well as padlock purchased for locking shops.

MD who engineered the whole confusion about the 300,000 that was meant for the fire victims.

MD what role did you play in the formation of a splinter group of traders’ leadership when you first took them to the Mayor.

Why does the MD always like using the Mayor names when mostly he knows nothing about the case?
MD state your role in the famous PZ gate traders’ occupation of a huge space there.
Are you satisfied the way you handled the vacating of the fire service from kejetia?
How did you mess up a would have been nice collaboration between traders and management when it came to occupation of spacing issues? The collaboration between yourself and the operations manager has it produces any better fruit when it comes to spaces issues.
How well have you managed the maintenance of this edifices entrust to your hands? Today what we see is a fast speed of deterioration of this edifice.
What fatherly care have you as managing director shown or offered to those affected by the 15th march 2023 fire incidence. When you were busy allocating spaces you could have given them some to start small and afresh. You choose to ignore them as though they didn’t exist.
We the Combined Traders Association reiterate that we do not want Mr Kofi Duffour in kejetia any longer as the Managing director. Authorities can bring anyone else but him. If this call will not be taken, we will advise ourselves going forward.

Elder Owusu Ansah 0208119153
Nana Akwesi Prempeh 0243272873
Patricia Acheampng 0546819156
Reuben Amey 0241602205
Ahmed Kwarteng 0543393393
Kwabena Fosu 0243777417
Frank Antwi 0243770790

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