General News Politics

E-levy is a scheme to rob Ghanaians to enrich politicians – political activist to gov’t 


Mr. Precious Agbenya a political analyst and activist has cautioned the government through the Minister of finance Ken Ofori Atta to reconsider the decision to impose E-levy on the citizenry towards national developmental agenda.

According to him, the imposition of the E-levy is a scheme to rob Ghanaians to the advantage of politicians to enrich themselves at the expense of the ordinary Ghanaians who is already facing economic hardship.

He stated that the Ghanaians have made a whole lot of sacrifices as compared to other government under the Nana Addo-led New Patriotic Party (NPP) government, but for the sake of corruptions couples with financial mismanagement by government has resulted in the economic hardship.
He lamented that, upon the suffering Ghanaians electorates are going through because of government mismanagement of the economy through corruptions among the political space, the government again wants  to make the ordinary Ghanaians who is already suffering to be more poorer by taxing them in such  unscrupulous way through the E-levy thereby amassing wealth for themselves
Mr. Agbenya stressed that, the E-levy government is asking Ghanaians to make sacrifices to pay to enhance national development is nothing but an attempt to rob the citizenry like a daylight robbery.
He lamented that, the government is never sensitive to the plight of  the ordinary Ghanaians, adding that, This E-levy bills is another clear move to finish the citizens.
He entreated the Celebrities who are supporting the introduction of the E-Levy claiming that, the ordinary Ghanaians are opposing the E-levy simply because, they have not been traveled outside countries, hence opposing it is neither here or there before.
He urged them to rather use their fame and influence to help fight for the ordinary Ghanaians and not rather expose their greediness and selfish interests to support what he describes as the irresponsible government to continue taxing the Ghanaians from every corner without creating jobs for the people.

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