
Alfred Kotey Ashie elected NDC Parliamentary candidate for Odododiodioo



Alfred Nii Kotey Ashie has been elected the National Democratic Congress’ Parliamentary Candidate for the Odododiodioo constituency ahead of the 2024 General Elections.

He polled 1209 votes in Sunday’s election while his contender, Emmanuel Nii Okai Laryea secured 952 votes of the total votes of 2161.

Over 2100 NDC delegates from the Odododiodioo constituency in the Greater Accra Region took part in the election which was put on hold due to an injunction filed by disqualified parliamentary aspirant, Michael Nii Yarboi Anan.

Sunday’s election went ahead after the dismissal of the interlocutory injunction application filed by Mr Yarboi Anan.

Speaking to delegates after his victory, Mr Kotey Ashie promised to help unite the party ahead of the December polls.


The Functional Executive Committee of the NDC, in November 2023, disqualified Michael Nii Yarboi Annan from contesting in the parliamentary election in the Odododiodioo Constituency.

The NDC, in a report issued last year, explained that findings made by the special committee established by the Functional Executive Committee of the party justified the disqualification of Mr. Annan from contesting the party’s parliamentary primary in the Odododiodoo Constituency.

According to the party, considering the evidence presented, the special committee was unable to endorse Mr Annan’s qualification to contest the parliamentary primaries in the Odododiodoo constituency based on Article 41(8)(b) of the NDC Constitution, which stipulates that, “a member must be an active member of the party at the constituency level for the four years immediately preceding the date of filing nominations.”

The party postponed the primary in the Odododiodioo constituency indefinitely due to a court injunction obtained by the disqualified candidate.

But following the dismissal of the court, the party now has given clearance for the primary to come off.

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