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Breaking news:Two rival NPP constituency chairmen clash in Sunyani over Kwabena Agyepong



Two rival NPP constituency chairmen in Sunyani East clashed at a meeting held at the instance of Kwabena Agyepong, one of the NPP Presidential aspirants.

The meeting took place at the Ideas Guest House at Fiapre near Sunyani on evening of yesterday Wednesday March 1, 2023.

Mr. Frank Musa Damtarl, the substantive constituency Chairman, had earlier reported to the said meeting but, while the meeting was taking place, another person, by name, Bartholomew Incoom showed up; claiming to be the Constituency chairman.

This degenerated into hot verbal exchanges between Bartholomew Incoom and the rest of the people present at the meeting.

According to reports, this brought a temporary hold up on proceedings, with Bartholomew being driven out of the meeting.

Following the inability of the party to conduct elections in Sunyani East to elect Polling Station Executives and Electoral Area Coordinators, some unscrupulous party members sat in the bedrooms to cook names purporting to be Polling Station Executives and Electoral Area Coordinators.

These so-called Executives and Coordinators subsequently met at a popular fuel station to popularly acclaimed some people as the Sunyani East NPP Constituency Executives, Bartholomew Incoom claiming to be the Constituency chairman.

Even though the issue is pending before the Sunyani High Court, Mr Bartholomew Incoom and his cohorts continue to parade as legitimately elected constituency Executives even though they are not.

Reports say a similar incident occurred during the campaign visit Sunyani recently by another presidential aspirant, Alan Kyeremanten.

Sources say, the Bono Regional NPP Chairman, Kwame Baffoe Abronye is solidly behind Bartholomew Incoom and his illegitimate Executives, hence their boldness to continuously carry themselves as such, even as their behaviour is making the NPP unpopular in Sunyani, a stronghold of the party.

Political analysts believe that if the trend is allowed to continue, the NPP could lose out in the long term as a result of deep cracks being caused.

The Sunyani East NPP has not known peace since the late J.H Mensah handed over the parliamentary seat to Kwasi Ameyaw-Cheremeh.

Instead of conducting credible elections to select polling station executives and Electoral Area Coordinators, some unscrupulous persons would typically sit in their bedrooms to compile the list of NPP Constituency Executives.

In order to ensure that the incumbent MP for Sunyani East, Kwasi Ameyaw-Cheremeh remains in this position for life, every effort is being made to ensure that there’s no election to elect Polling Station Executives and Electoral Area Coordinators.

It is therefore not surprising that today, Sunyani East of the NPP, of all other places, has two rival constituency chairmen.

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