1,379 The Head Pastor of Penil Salvation Ministry, Hwenapori Branch, Pastor. Daniel Duodu, popularly known as old man of Aduana Royal Family has been installed as the new Kontihene of Bibiani in the Western North Region. With the stool name Nana Kwame Naana lll, the kontihene swore the customary oath to chief of Bibiani, […]
1,355 Guinea Bissau’s Prime Minister Nuno Gomes Nabiam has tested positive for coronavirus, the health ministry has said. Interior Minister Botche Cande and two other ministers also have Covid-19. Mr Nabiam said that several members of an interministerial coronavirus committee had the disease. Guinea Bissau has a poor healthcare system due to mismanagement and a […]
374 The Ministry of Roads and Highways has announced the suspension of the implementation of the National Roads Authority Act 2024 (Act 1118) to allow for further stakeholder engagement. Parliament passed Act 1118 in July 2024 to streamline the management of Ghana’s road infrastructure by merging the Ghana Highway Authority, the Department of Urban […]