General News Politics

Don’t Use Ken Ofori-Atta As An Excuse for Your Presidential Ambition: Razak Kojo Opoku Writes



It is quite funny when fanatics of Flagbearer hopefuls within the NPP consistently put all the blame on Ken Ofori-Atta as the main architect of the prevailing economic condition in the Country. Maybe because of their respective Presidential ambitions, some do not want to be part of the failures of Akufo-Addo’s Government. That to me, is completely unwise.

God willing when the economy and things become normal again in 2023-2024, will the fanatics of Flagbearer hopefuls begin to take credit for anything?

It does not make sense politically to solely blame Ken Ofori-Atta for the current economic conditions of Ghana in order to exonerate any officer of this government whether at the Jubilee House or at the Ministries/Agencies/Departments.

If you dissociate yourself from the failures of the government, certainly you have no business to associate yourself with the success of the government.

“Excuses are monuments of Nothingness” and “excuses are the tools of weak and incompetent person(s)” .

We embraced the success of the government when all the indicators of the economy were doing well and every sector of the economy was fantastically progressing between 2017 to 2019 until the emergent of COVID-19 and the unfortunate circumstances of the Russia-Ukraine War in 2022.

Why must we run away from the failures of the government and put all the blame on Ken Ofori-Atta, the Finance Minister alone?

Did we put all the glory on Ken Ofori-Atta when everything was on point between 2017 and 2020? Certainly not. All of us shared in the glory of the government.

“Whoever takes the Glory should be prepared to take the shame when it comes”.

We projected the success of the NPP government together, and in the same way, we must accept the collective responsibility for the failures of the government and master the courage to explain the cause of the failures which are not entirely our fault or due to our incompetence but as a result of the genuine external forces beyond our control as limited human beings.

Ghana has no capacity to prevent the war between Russia and Ukraine even though these two Countries are development partners.

Ghana, again did not have the capacity to prevent the outbreak and the spread of COVID-19 across the World. Countries affected by COVID-19 were development partners to Ghana.

Even at the individual level, there is no way you would not be affected if your developing partners or helpers are under crisis.

Any Flagbearer hopeful who will blame the current economic crisis entirely on the performance of Hon. Ken Ofori-Atta is not wise and mature enough to lead NPP to Victory in 2024.

When the indicators were good was it entirely the performance of Hon. Ken Ofori-Atta? Certainly not.

If the Light is on, apart from the Sector Minister, we must equally be grateful to the Finance Minister who made funds available for its sustainability.

If Digitalization is on course, we must equally be grateful to the Finance Minister who allocated funds for the project.

If Children are enjoying Free SHS and TVET, we must equally be grateful to the Minister who faithfully provided funding for the sustainability of the policy.

If Planting for food and jobs, Rearing for food and jobs are on course, again we must be thankful to the Finance Minister who ensures that funding was made available for the policies.

If 1D1F is on course, equally extend gratitude to the Finance Minister who ensures that the budgetary allocation for the project was honoured.

The Presidency, Parliament and all Sector Ministers whose budgetary allocation were honoured must also express gratitude to the Finance Minister.

Ken Ofori-Atta as a limited individual can never get it right all the time. It is not even possible in accordance with the laws of nature. However, Ken Ofori-Atta has done well to prudently deal with the optimal allocation of the scarce resources.

Fanatics of Flagbearer hopefuls are at liberty to market their respective candidates but any attempt to shift all the blame to Ken Ofori-Atta will not be a sound statement to Ghanaians.

Flagbearer hopefuls should be able to tell us their respective achievements and make a valid case for the reason why he or she should be the obvious choice of the NPP.

The critical criteria the Delegates of NPP should also consider is the acceptability of the Flagbearer by Ghanaians at large.

NPP can present anyone but it is up to the Ghanaian voters to decide whether or not to retain such a Candidate as the President of the Republic of Ghana largely based on the track records of the Government and the individual Candidate.

The Words of Flagbearer Hopefuls against their performance in Office shall be measured by the Ghanaian people.

Let’s all support the Government to bring Ghana out of the current economic difficulties while at the same time championing the achievements of the Government to the Ghanaian people.

NDC is still not an acceptable or credible option in 2024.

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