
Man arrested for killing his University girlfriend and removing her private parts



A young man has been arrested by the police while trying to dispose of the remains of his girlfriend after he had killed and removed her private parts.

The suspect identified as Damian has been dating his late girlfriend also identified as Justina for some time now but unknown to the deceased, her boyfriend was a ritualist.

Damian we are informed is a level 400 Engineering student while Justina is also a Level student offering Bio-Chemistry at the same University.

According to a source, Justina went to visit her boyfriend one day and failed to return to her hostel. Her friends thinking she was at her boyfriend’s place never bothered to look for her until after some days.

Damian informed her friends that she left his house on the same day and all efforts to contact her proved futile. This led to her friends reporting her as a missing person and spreading her posters around campus.

Fast forward, the police got involved and he was arrested while trying to dispose of her body after chopping them into pieces.

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