General News Politics

Management of Political Party not  Same as Management of Corporate Organization: Razak Kojo Opoku Writes



Running and managing a Political Party is completely different from the running and management of a corporate organization. The fact that one may be successful at running and managing Corporate organization does not necessarily mean that you may excel or succeed with the running and managing a national established political party and vice versa.

At the corporate level, one will be dealing with management structure, interest of external stakeholders/shareholders and the Board(at least membership of 10-15) of the corporate entity.

However, Political Administration is completely different. One will be implementing decisions taken by large membership of National Delegates Conference, National Council, National Executive Committee, National Steering Committee and various sub-committes established by National Council, National Executive Committee and National Steering Committee.

Appropriately, any person aspiring for General Secretary should have considerable National IPAC experience as well as managing or intellectually contributing to national operations and strategy of the Party. Also ,a strong alliance with the smaller opposition political parties is an added advantage taking into consideration a possible run-off since we are heading towards the 8year cycle curse.

An experienced and matured National Chairman will require the perfect combination with an experienced General Secretary if indeed NPP is very serious to scale the 8year cycle curse.

It is a complete joke to be making promises similar to the running and management of a Corporate entity when aspiring to the headship of the National Secretariat of any political party because all those corporate-like promises can be possibly rejected outright by the members of Delegates Conference, National Council, National Executive Committee, National Steering Committee and majority of the membership of the Party.

Crossing over the 8year cycle curse would definitely demand the service of an experienced General Secretary who has served in almost all the structures of the Party, a track record of partaking in the operations & Strategic decisions of the Party for Victory 2016 and 2020.

The person should also have the experience of getting the interest of the Party done at the National IPAC meetings.

Corporate organizations are set up for profit and jobs creation unlike Political Parties which are set up primarily to win the mandate of the people.

The NDC is patiently waiting to see the outcome of the election of NPP’s Executives. This will help them to strategize and put up radical leadership just like they did ahead of the 2008 general elections.

The Delegates of NPP should choose wisely because we have a responsibility to cross over the 8.

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