
Odike Mining CEO Eyes Ashanti Regional Athletic Association Vice Chairmanship Position


Mr. Akwasi Duodu popularly known as “Odike Mining” is a sports philanthropist for the past decades.

He has the passion for sports in general and he was a football coach in Kumasi. He usually gather players for community games during weekends.

He hails from Aduman a suburb of Greater Kumasi in the Ashanti Region. One of the best schools in sports at the second cycle level is Aduman Senior High School. The man behind the success of the famous Aduman in sports is no other man than Odike Mining.

Lest we forget, one of the Inter-Schools and Colleges Games which was between Aduman Senior High School and Kumasi Girls Senior High School. Both schools are very powerful in the sports and there rose protest between these schools. Odike Mining resolved the issue and calm prevailed.
The only Ghanaian Youth Olympic gold medalist, Martha Bissah was nurtured by Odike. According sources Odike Mining hired a professional coach for Martha and paid him and it worked out for both parties. The second fastest human in Ghana in 2021, Kate Agyeman is also a product from Odike’s camp.
Odike Mining has helped a lot of the athletes, some are currently outside of the country while others are also in our Security Services.
In 2011, during the unity games in Accra, Odike Mining was the backbone of the Ashanti Regional Athletics Team. He provided the athletes with kits, running shoes, slippers, vitamins and food stuffs.
Odike Mining has been following athletics for the past 2 decades and he knows the dos and donts and the rules in the sports. He has been present in all the Ghana Fastest Human meets finals to witness the game. He is also a Kotoko Member and just recently he presented some assorted products to Asante Kotoko Sporting Club. Watch the presentation video here.
Mr. Akwasi Duodu (Odike Mining) is now vying for the vacant position as the Vice Chairman of the Ashanti Regional Athletics Association. The slogan for Odike’s Mining is “More Competitions For Athletes”.
Odike Mining is ready to take support and move Ghana Athletics to the next level. We all support a visionary leader and he is the man to trust now. The Better Ghana Athletics Agenda.

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