
Planting for Food and Jobs is a political gimmick to deceive farmers-Political activist to agric ministry


Mr. Precious Agbenya, a political activist and communication team member of the NDC has stated that considering the scarcity and high cost of foodstuffs in the country defeats government flagship programme Planting for Food and Jobs role out by the government.

According to him, the prices of foodstuffs and farms produce have demonstrated the programme is political gimmick, as some households in the Country continue finding it difficult to even feed themselves three times meal daily, a clear indications that, the Planting for Food and Jobs is a political gimmick or scam to deceive farmers and Ghanaians to believe that the government and for that matter, the Minister for Food and Agriculture was investing into the sector which is not truly reflecting on prices of foodstuffs on the market.

Mr Agbenya challenged Mr. Bryan Acheampong and Dr. Osei Akoto, the former and current Ministers respectively for food and agriculture to show the ministry’s and the programme score card on the achievement in the sector the effects on prices of foodstuffs.

He stated is of the view that elsewhere in the previous government when fertilizers were given free of charge to farmers, there was always bumper harvest in every three (3) months.
He disclosed that, even foodstuffs like Tomatoes, Gari, Maize, Beans, Rice and coconut which every Ghanaian irrespective of social status used to afford has become too costly and can no longer afford by most households today.
He argued that, should agriculture is booming and viable through the Planting for Food and Jobs why would a families of some households compelling to starving because of the high cost of foodstuffs on the market today.


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