
Prove to society that you are not common teachers but a guide book to the country- Kumasi Mayor to teachers



Mr. Samuel Pyne, Mayor of the Kumasi metropolitan Assembly has challenged teachers to prove to the society that, they are not common teachers but a guide book to the society by ensuring that, their total contribution is being feel in the total upbringing and transformation children is achieve.

The mayor made the called when he was joined by the metropolitan Education Director to commissioned a 3- unit classrooms block with furnitures for Abrepo Methodist Junior High School (JHS) to help improve teaching and learning.
According to the Mayor the project was funded by the Assembly’s Internally Generated Fund (IGF) to provide a conducive place for teaching and learning for the children of school going age in the community.
He stated that, the project is to demonstrate the Assembly’s quest to improve standard of education in the metropolis through physical infrastructure towards the realization of producing quality products to become the future leaders in the society.
Mr Samuel Pyne urged the school management, Nananom, parents and the beneficiary students to cultivates maintenance culture to ensure that the project serve the intended purpose to enable the Assembly extend to other communities in the metropolis for the holistic transformation of education.
He disclosed that, education is a share responsibilities of all stakeholders including parents, teachers, and urged everyone to collective contributes tax obligations through the Assembly to expands the infrastructure projects.
Mr David Oppong, the Metro Education Director, commended the Assembly and the Major for the major physical infrastructure projects undertaken in the various schools since the Mayor assumed office.
According to him the major through the Assembly does not only focus on the infrastructure aspects of education but recently incurred the cost of mock examinations for about 9000 BECE candidates at the cost of Gh¢100.000.00
He is of the view that, government resources are limited, and for that matter, parents should assist their wards to enhance teaching and learning as some parents does for their wards in private schools.
The Metro Education Director disclosed that, the Mayor before the commissioning of the 3-unit classrooms at Abrepo Methodist Junior High School (JHS) also distributed school furnitures to the Nhyiaeso and Bantama sub-metro schools to enhance teaching and learning in the schools.

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