821 The people of Bonsawire and Amantsin have long struggled with access to telecommunications networks, an essential service for both communication and economic activity in this digital age. During a recent community engagement exercise, the NDC Parliamentary hopeful for Tarkwa Nsuaem, Hon. Issah Taylor, visited the people of Bonsawire to understand their pressing needs. The […]
1,185 Nat Andoh, NDC TEIN President of Takoradi Technical University recently emphasized the vital role of religious leaders in today’s political landscape. During a compelling episode of “Pearl of Islam” on Takoradi’s base Premier FM, Andoh passionately advocated for religious leaders to speak truth to power. Andoh highlighted that religious teachings provide a strong moral […]
850 Ghana has emerged as the country across the globe with the highest outstanding loan under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Poverty Trust which is one of the funds countries can draw credit from is specifically to support the potential balance of payment problems of low-income […]