
Two years after toll abolition, persons with disability sleep at Roads Ministry to demand employment



Two years ago, they all lost their jobs when the Finance Minister announced the abolition of road tolls.

The government promised to reassign all of them but many of them remain unemployed. Some persons with disabilities who were toll booth workers pass the night at the roads ministry on the second anniversary of their dismissal.

Fighting off mosquitoes, Evelyn Gadri and Mohammed Rahmat Rashad told JoyNews that they would rather die in front roads ministry than idle at home.

According to them, if government would not reinstate them, it should pay them their arrears for them to establish a new business for themselves.

Two years ago, they all lost their jobs when the Finance Minister announced the abolition of road tolls.

The government promised to reassign all of them but many of them remain unemployed. Some persons with disabilities who were toll booth workers pass the night at the Roads…

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