Education General News

Action Peoples Party Gifts Nkawie-Panin M/A JHS With Ultramodern ICT Center



Action Peoples Party has officially cut sod for the construction of an ultramodern ICT Center at Nkawie Panin M/A JHS in the Atwima Nwabiagya South Municipality in the Ashanti Region.

The motive is to construct ICT centres in all the 275 constituencies across the entire Country.

Speaking at the colorful ceremony today at the school premises,Mr.Kenneth Nana Kwame Asamoah, Founder and Leader of Action Peoples Party said,the party is poised to give ICT education to the age group of five to eighteen years.

He said,the ICT Center will be furnished with library facilities and other modern equipment needed for education.

The facility when complete will be free for age group of 5-18 years.

Speaking on behalf of the Municipal Education Director,Mr. Ernest Atta Gyamfi,lauded Action Peoples Party for the commitment towards education in the Country.

According to him we are now living a global village and the interconnection by technology is very necessary so for APP to initiate such a project is appropriate and timely.

He added that the project will enhance students knowledge on ICT for them to be abreast with issues in the entire world.

Source: Ayisah Foster/

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