General News Politics

Stop Distorting Facts In Asawase Constituency-Muntaka Told



NDC Youth in Asawase constituency in the Ashanti Region has responded to Some distortion of facts thrown out into the media by the office of the soon-to-be former member of parliament of Asawase Constituency, Hon, Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak.

The youth also used the opportunity to point out some damages and disservices that Hon.Muntaka Mohammed is directly and/or indirectly doing to the great National Democratic Congress (NDC )especially Asawase Constituency.

The youth group in a press conference today hinted that “if you will recall, a few days ago, the office of the MP (Hon. Muntaka Mubarak of Asawase Constituency issued a statement which sought to whitewash the MP after he was exposed of forcibly allocating some 15 stores/sheds to himself at the Asawase Market built by next Flagbearer of NDC and the President of Ghana, H.E John Dramani Mahama.

In the said press statement, it was stated that, “the MP does not own a single store/shed at the Asawase market”. Again, it was also stated that “Hon. Munkata was not in charge of the allocation of stores and sheds at Asawase Market”.

The Youth group stated emphatically that, the office of Hon. Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak as usual is being economical with the truth.

According to the Local Government Act 462 of 1993, a member of parliament is an integral part of the District/Municipal/Metropolitan Assembly.

MPs attend meetings and take part of the decision making at the assembly. It will therefore be a palpable lie or an abandonment of responsibility on the part of Hon. Muntaka to say he was not involved in the allocation of the stores at Asawase Market.

We have in our possession a video of Hon. Muntaka in an interview with Alhaji Inshola at Zuria 88.7 FM, and in the said video, he could be heard saying that, he directed someone to give a shed at Asawase Market to one Mr. Nafiu who subsequently rejected it.

So the multi million dollar question is, if Hon. Muntaka was not involve or in charge of the allocation of the stores/sheds, why would he direct someone to allocate a shed to Mr. Nafiu?

2. Per information available to us, we can categorically state that the MP of Asawase Consistency Hon. Muntaka Mubarak owns some 15 stores at the newly built Asawase Market and the MP cannot deny this. These stores include the apartments that house Haske Radio and the ultramodern conference hall. When the allocations were done, Hon. Muntaka as smart as he has always wanted to prove to be, released some of these stores to his close family members but the businesses operate in all those stores belongs to him. We have in our possession the lists of all those family members and it shall be released at the appropriate time.

3. Again, having admitted by the office of the MP that Haske Radio Station is owned by him (Hon. Muntaka Mubarak) and it is operates in the above mentioned market complex, is a shot in the foot. We are not against operations of private businesses by politicians, but it is outrageous to note that the party and constituency that have made Hon. Munkata Mubarak who he is today for about 18 good years under his watch without a well-furnished constituency party office. Yes, it is the sad reality of Asawase Constituency having to note an orphan constituency(thus, without an NDC MP) like Afigya Sekyere East Constituency of the NDC can boost of a storey building as the Party’s office complex.

The Member of Parliament had every opportunity, power and means to secure an office for the Asawase NDC at the Asawase Market but he wrongly refused because he enjoys having constituency executive committee meeting at his personal office. That way, he can always manipulate and determine who attend a meeting.

4. Also Hon. Muntaka Mubarak is doing a deliberate great disservice to NDC as a party. We say so because of the kind of persons he has deliberately employed at his Haske Radio Station.

We were surprise to always wake up to the needless and unwarranted attacks on our beloved party, NDC by a radio station owned by man who became a member of parliament on the ticket of NDC.

We became suspicious and decided to dig into those who work there. To our outmost surprise, almost all the political show hosts at the station are all known and staunch NPP sympathizers.

They continuously and consistently run down NDC and subject the party to public ridicule. The attention of Hon. MP has severally been drawn to the damage been visited on the very party that made him but he has since given deaf ears to it. The following are the known NPP Stewards who are been referred to; Mohammed Faisal, and Hamza Adam are known NPP supporters within the Constituency.

The above and many actions of Hon. Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak over the years are gradually making the once loved and cherished National Democratic Congress-NDC unpopular among the good people of Asawase Constituency especially the youth who are the future of the party. It is not surprising that every passing minute, the party keeps losing its youth to the ruling NPP.

We are therefore by this press conference, calling on all the delegates and party sympathizers of NDC in Asawase Constituency to rise up and save the party from sinking.

This can only be achieved by voting out Hon. Muntaka Mubarak on 13th May, 2023.


Branch Chairman – Assemblies Of God- Asokore- Mampong

Branch Chairman, Sepe Funeral Grounds

Mohammed Sabiu Sherif
Branch Chairman- Holy Sprite 2

Branch Secretary- Manpong Henes

Branch Organiser -Manpong Henes

Branch Youth Organizer
Musah Kashi Branch Aboabo No 2

Branch Youth Organiser-M/A Prim Lower Keniako (B)

Branch Youth Organiser-Mallam Katachi Aboabo No.2

Branch Youth Organiser-Mallam Techiman Street

Brach Organiser-Akurom (B)

Chairman For Concern Youth Asawase Constituency
024 120 1991

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