
2023 Y’ellow Care Campaign Officially Launched By MTN



MTN Ghana has officially launched the 2023 edition of twenty one ( 21) days Y’ello care campaign to brighten the lives of people in the Country.

Speaking at the short ceremony,Mr Simon Amoh, Senior Commercial Manager, Northern Business Sector, explained that, the focus is on the disadvantaged group, especially the disabled and women in the society to acquire some social community work which would enrich their lives.

According to him, their target and needs for the communities are met with the staff by building schools, planting of trees and training the youth and young entrepreneurs in dressmaking and tailoring, Beas making, makeup and in the preparation of Soaps, Detergents and online digital marketing.

Mr Amoh disclosed that, volunteering through Y’ello Care is a rewarding exercise, which is always good to give back to their communities and make a difference in someone else’s life.

He noted that, from the corporate perspective, it lends credence to their belief in doing for People, showing that MTN Ghana really do care, says Y’ello Care therefore symbolizes their strong commitment to walk the talk when it comes to contributing to society in a meaningful way, and helps to raise awareness about the
issues affecting the society and demonstrates their readiness to do something about them.

He was of the view that, it’s time to pause, connect and strengthen their ties with their host communities, which is a call to serve those who are less privileged than they are.

The Commercial Manager disclosed that, The Y’ello Care programme has been running for the past 16 years from 1
st to 21st June each year, and has maintained a steady commitment, enthusiasm and a sense of
purpose in the activities that they have engaged in.

He commended the Yello care in improving the lives of the underserved communities with much needed resources and skills to improve their circumstances.

He revealed that Y’ellow care has done everything from construction, refurbishing, painting, and remodelling dilapidated school blocks, building ICT centres and libraries in selected communities, to donating school
bags and learning material to children in deprived schools across the Country.

‘We have cleaned
riverbanks and beaches, raised environmental awareness and promoted ecotourism projects ,such as bird watching.

Moreover, in keeping with our commitment to proper waste management practice, he stressed.

MTN volunteers have harvested over 100,000 waste plastic bottles for recycling into building and pavement blocks.

In the area of skills, MTN has, through Y’ello Care, up-skilled head porters and some young people by providing them with basic reading skills, training in soap and bleach making,
bead making, batik production and leather works.

He said MTN Yello care will be leveraging on digital and financial tools as well as their professional skills to assist grassroot-based entrepreneurs to unlock their potential, while
focus on the youth, women and the differently abled.

According to him with the theme and objectives in mind, the spotlight for this year’s 21 Days of Y’ello Care will be on Youth Entrepreneurship Train-YET – The initiative he said seeks to promote youth-led businesses in the digital space. /Ayisah Foster

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