
‘Be circumspect of your lifestyles’ – Kidney disease survivor advise Ghanaians [Article]



A survivor of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Abigail Ashley, has implored Ghanaians to be circumspect of their lifestyles and eating habits to safeguard their kidneys.

“Don’t joke with your God-given kidneys as they are the central room of the body. Drink water, enjoy more vegetables and fruits and exercise to protect it, else when you lose its functioning, aside the financial burden, you will stress physically, mentally, emotionally etc. Your health which is paramount will be the most affected,” she added.

CKD is a condition in which the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood as well as they should. Because of this, excess fluid and waste from blood remain in the body and may cause other health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.

Ms Ashley was speaking in an interview in Accra recently on CKD.

She said CKD was sometimes asymptomatic as was in her case and could take one by surprise for which reason one should be cautious and have themselves checked regularly.

Narrating her ordeal, she indicated that she never suspected anything until sometime back in August 2007 where she was rushed to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital and was diagnosed of CKD end-stage after she became extremely weak.

“One morning in August 2007, I woke up that fateful day, very weak, it was as if something was pushing me to the ground, but I controlled myself throughout the day, until the night when I couldn’t hold it up anymore and was rushed to the hospital,” she said.

“That night I remember when the doctor said ‘prepare a bed for her, the Blood Pressure is extremely high.’ The next day, I was rushed in an ambulance to Korle Bu and that was where I was diagnosed of CKD end-stage,” she added.

Ms Ashley said she used to experience headaches back then but took it on a light note and took pain killers to relieve her pain.

“Seriously in my case I used to have this terrible headache, but I never suspected anything. Anytime I report to the clinic they kept giving me pain killers,” she stated.

Ms Ashley indicated that her condition was said to have been caused by uncontrolled High Blood Pressure (HBP) “which I seriously had no idea about, apparently it runs in the family.”

But generally and according to WHO report, hypertension and diabetes are the leading causes of kidney disease worldwide aside infection and others.”

Ms Ashley revealed that she battled CKD for 13 years with medications and diet, before she finally had a kidney transplant.

She stressed that it was financially stressful and used the opportunity to thank the Despite Media, her family and church for their support.

Hence, the CKD survivor who is currently the host of “My Health My Life” and “Mo Ho Y3” on Accra-based UTV and Okay FM (both of despite media) used the opportunity to advise Ghanaians to go for regular checkup, be particular of what they ate and watch their lifestyles.

“Believe in the never-give-up spirit, that you’ve got to fight till your last breath,” she added.

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