
Educational Workers Connect call for FSHS stakeholders dialogue



Educational Workers Connect ,an educational policy Think Tank
has call for Dialogue and Review of Ghana’s Free SHS.

According to them, the whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows, and education, being a pivotal pillar of societal progress, requires constant vigilance and adaptation to ensure that it reflects the changing needs of the students and the nation at large.

In this pursuit of quality education, the esteemed Education Policy Think Tank, has joined hands with the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) and other civil society groups to advocate for a thoughtful dialogue aimed at enhancing Ghana’s Free Senior High School (SHS) policy.

Mr. Daniel Yao Agbezudor, The Executive Secretary of Educational Workers connect, an Educational Policy Think Tank tank in a press statement delves into the reasons behind the call is in addressing issues such as quality,
equity, remuneration, parental engagement, funding, and sustainability.

According him, The
Educational Workers Connect echoes GNAT’s call for dialogue on the Free SHS policy and even believe that the call is even too late in coming considering the plethora of surmountable challenges
that have bedeviled the policy.

He lamented that, government’s reluctance to trigger the dialogue has raised serious concerns, given the policy’s substantial impact on the totality of education.

He was of the view that, Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your
temper or your self-confidence, which he highlights the importance of an open exchange of ideas for the policy’s refinement.

He stressed that, it is worrying and surprising how the government sees and regards genuine calls by stakeholders in the education space for a dialogue an act of condemnation of the policy.
He indicated that, first and foremost, there is an urgent need to look at the quality of the education being provided under the policy. Says it is Educational Workers connect position that the policy’s emphasis on accessibility should not overshadow its impact on educational quality.

He noted that, regrettably, they have observed that the government
is sacrificing quality on the altar of accessibility which is impacting negatively on the quality of
education that our children are supposed to receive.

He revealed that, overcrowded classrooms, inadequate teacher student ratios, and limited teaching resources challenge the delivery of quality education.

Mr. Agbezudor also observed rising indiscipline cases stemming from increased enrollment necessitates a comprehensive examination of the policy to address the pressing concerns which include, Equity, Inclusivity, and Targeting
Education must be equitable and inclusive.

The Executive Secretary is of the view that, a dialogue is therefore needed to explore the feasibility
of a targeted funding approach, allowing for a more efficient allocation of resources.

He noted that, struggles
with funding have led to the idea of targeting certain students, a proposition worthy of open discussion, after all, some leading members in both the government and the party had expressed
the view and still believe that targeting is the best option, but what is even more important is for the stakeholders to discuss the sustainability of the funding process.

He reiterated that, supporting Education Workers ,teachers and education workers are the policy’s implementers, and for that matter, their well-being significantly influences quality education.

He noted that, Teachers’ professional development, working conditions, and welfare directly impact the learning environment, hence addressing their concerns and providing incentives will
ultimately enhance the educational experience, as their findings revealed how stressed and
overwhelmed some teachers are, in terms of workloads. Indiscipline issues and others.


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