
Mahama’s 24-hour economy policy beats Bawumia’s digitalisation – Poll



A poll by Global InfoAnalytics has shown that more Ghanaians are buying into the 24-hour economy policy proposal of former President John Dramani Mahama compared to the digitalisation proposal by his major contender in the 2024 election, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

According to the poll, the majority of Ghanaians in 14 out of the 16 regions in the country prefer the 24-hour economy policy proposal of Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), to the main policy theme of the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Bawumia; digitalisation.

The study also showed that the 24-hour economy policy is more popular in the Northern, Upper West, and the Volta Regions.

“Support for Campaign Slogans/Policy/Promise by region according to the December 2023 national opinion poll. The data shows the top three (3) regions with the highest support for the 24-hour Economy are the Northern region, 75%, Upper West, 65% and Volta, 63%,” part of a brief on the survey shared by Global InfoAnalytics on X on February 18, 2024, read.

It, however, showed that Dr Bawumia’s digitalisation policy was more popular in two regions, namely, the North East Region and the Bono Region.

“For Digitalization, the highest three support come from North East, 44%, Bono, 35% and Savannah, 34%.”

The survey also indicated that the Great Transformational Plan (GTP) of the leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kyerematen, has some substantial support in the Western Region (13%), followed by Central (12%), Ashanti (11%) and the Bono Region (11%).

It further showed that Mahama’s policy has more support from voters of all age groups compared to Bawumia’s.

“The 24HR Economy by far is the most popular among voters age 18-35, 53%, followed by age group 36-45, 49%. The 24HR Economy is least popular among voters aged 66+ years. For Digitalization, it is intriguing that it has the highest support among voters 46-55 and 66+ as 29% of them support it. The least support for Digitalization, however, is among younger voters 18-35 years, 22%,” InfoAnalytics wrote.

See details of the poll below:

Support for Campaign Slogans/Policy/Promise by region according to the December 2023 national opinion poll.

The data shows the top three (3) region with the highest the 24HR Economy are Northern region, 75%, Upper West, 65% and Volta, 63%.

For Digitalization, the highest three… pic.twitter.com/7FI5a2Szdc

— Global InfoAnalytics (@GInfoanalytics) February 18, 2024
Today, I want to focus on the various campaign slogans, policy or promise that we have heard so far from the campaign teams and the level of support they have among voters among key demographics. The 24HR economy, digitization and Great Transformational Plan.

The 24HR economy… pic.twitter.com/tyyHyg8dl1

— Mussa K. Dankwah, MSc.FCCA, DipIFR, MCISI,AIRM (@MKDankwah) February 18, 2024

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