General News Politics

CSOs, Some Religious Leaders Afraid to Speak Against LGBTQI Because Of Daily Bread and Visas-Razak Kojo Opoku 


According to Franklin Cudjoe, IMANI is ever ready to accept ‘unconditional funding’ from Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Queer Individuals(LGBTQI) Groups, and use the LGBTQI unconditional funds to hold public officers accountable.

Franklin Cudjoe respectfully needs to ponder and think deep before he makes some of these reckless statements.

Franklin Cudjoe should understand that, unconditional funding from LGBTQI shall definitely compromise him, weaken his resistance against LGBTQI and make it extremely difficult to speak against, criticize, resist and condemn the act.

No one is judging the practitioners of LGBTQI, we are only condemning the acts and letting the LGBTQI Community understand that it is ILLEGAL under the laws of Ghana.

Clearly, most of the think tanks receive funding from Foreign Donors and Partners who are solidly behind the LGBTQI Community.

Franklin Cudjoe’s/IMANI’s loud silence against LGBTQI clearly indicates that perhaps IMANI is in full support of LGBTQI. If not, Franklin Cudjoe/IMANI should be bold enough to publicly disown LGBTQI Community, he should use the same energy he uses to advocate for good governance to denounce the LGBTQI campaign .

Holding Public Officers accountable also includes enforcement of the laws of the Country, such as laws against LGBTQI.

Most Bishops/Pastors and Religious Leaders are AFRAID to use their platforms to condemn LGBTQI simply because of the fear of being Refused Visas and lack of offertory from the Western world.

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