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Doduo Biribi Aduonum -Gyeabour I Installed Chief Of Nkotumso-Nkasawura After 10 Years Dispute



The chieftaincy dispute of Nkotumso-Nkasawura stool in Upper Denkyira West District in the Central region which was started on the 16th of September,2011 has come to an end with Ododuo Biribi Aduonum -Gyeabour I installed as the Chief of the area.

The dispute was between Abusuapanin Kwabena Afoakwa and Obaapanin Akua Nsowah, represented by Opanin Akwasi Aduonum by power of attorney versus Mr.Joseph Nkua Mensah alias Kwabena Ebo and Obaapanin Kwaa Kosua represented by Obaapanin Eno Ku by power of attorney.

Mr.Joseph Nkua Mensah was parading himself as Nana Anyimadu Koffour II which was false and misleading.

The five- member panel who sat on the case since 20th June,2020 , ruled on the case on the 8th of April ,2021 at the judicial committee of Denkyira traditional council.

According to the ruling,the alleged installation of Mr.Joseph Nkua Mensah ,alias Kwabena Ebo on the 12th of September,2011 has been declared null and void.

The reason being that ,the alleged installation was not in conformity with the customs and traditions of Denkyira .

Per the ruling,Mr.Joseph Nkua Mensah alias Kwabena Ebo has therefore never been recognized as chief of Nkaaawura.

Secondly,it has been proved beyond all reasonable doubt that Mr. Nkua Joseph Mensah is not a member of the Kona/Ahwenee Royal Family of Breman-Akrofrom;who are the true custodians of Nkaaawura stool land.

Abusuapanin Kwabena Afoakwa therefore has installed the new Chief of Nkotumso-nkasawura according to the customs and traditions of Nkotumso-nkasawura and Denkyira in general.

The name of the new Chief is Duduo Biribi Aduonum-Gyeabour I formerly known as Elder Akwasi Aduonum of the church of Pentecost.

Speaking to the punch newspaper after his installation as the Chief ,Oduduo Biribi Aduonum-Gyeabour I advised the general public to maintain the peace that has been prevailing at Nkotumso-nkasawura.

According to him, anybody who would indulge in any at that would bring chaos, would be handed over to the police by Nananom.

He made it known that because of some circumstances that was beyond their control,his installation took place at Abesewa with the observation of all COVID-19 protocols and added that,the official outdooring would take place later after a notice has been given to the police and the general public.

He together with the entire Kona/Ahwenee Royal Family of Breman-Akrofrom however thanked the Denkyira traditional council,Nana Ama Ayensua Sara III(Denkyira Hemaa),Nana Adjei Nkyerere,Adontenhene and chief of New Obuasi ,Nana Kwaakontan(Denkyira Saahene ),Nana Sampanin I(Denkyira Gyaasehene),Hon.Lawyer Kojo Nanna ,Nana Kwakye Krufie (Abesewahene),Nana Yamoah Ponkoh(Jukwaamhene),Nana Ahinampong (Baamuhene).

Others included Okofrobour Obeng Nuako III(Dunkwahene),Nana Atobrah Nkwanta II,Brofoyeduru and Adontenhene of Nkotumso-nkasawura ,Nana Boa Agyarko II(Denkyira Gyaamahene),Opanin Acheampong and his elders,of Anissa Krom,DCE for Upper Denkyira West ,The Divisional Police command, District police command for upper Denkyira West and those who in diverse ways beefed the security in the area.
He and his first finally thanked Nkasawuraman for their unflinching support and maintenance of peace during the dispute and his installation .

Hoping,the entire communities would support him and his elders to bring the needed socio-economic development of Nkotumso-nkasawura stool lands.

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