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Two shot as angry youth besiege Akatsi police station



Two persons have sustained severe injuries after they were reportedly shot by the Akatsi police on Sunday morning.
The rampaging youth were said to have massed up at the police station to demand the release of a motorbike seized by the Akatsi police on Friday night, after the police allegedly run down 3 persons on a motorbike with their riot van, near the Akatsi Training College, resulting in the death of one of the riders.

The development resulted in an altercation that led to the police allegedly firing shots at the youth.

The two injured persons have since been rushed to Ho for medical attention.

According to an eyewitness, military persons have been brought in to help maintain law and order and prevent the situation from escalating.

The youth say, persons on motorbikes have constantly been harrased by police in the district.

According to them, only a few months ago, police in the Akatsi district brutalized a young man after he was accused of stealing; the accused later died, resulting in a misunderstanding between the police and the youth.

“On Friday night, the police used their car to hit one of the youth around 11pm and when they sent him to the district hospital, the person died. This morning, the youth went to the police station to take the motorbike and the police started fighting with the guys. They shot two of the guys who have been taken to Ho for treatment.”

“The police have brought some armoured cars and they are shooting in the town,” the eyewitness said.


Meanwhile, the police in Akatsi say, efforts are underway to calm tension among the angry youth.

According to the Akatsi District Commander of Police, Supt. Isaac Baah, police are working together with the leaders of the community, to resolve the differences and will address the issue in a few hours.

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