
Ashanti Regional NDC Communicators Schooled



A two-day communication workshop has been organized for NDC communicators in the Ashanti Region region.

The move was to equip participants with the needed knowledge and skills as far as modern communication is of concerned.

Speaking at the opening session of the program at TUC in Kumasi last Saturday, Sammy Gyamfi Esq., National Communications Officer of the party likened the
communicators of the party to the light of a vehicle and said before anyone could see, hear and find a vehicle attractive it depends on the light and driver of that vehicle so for them in the NDC their communicators are very dear to their hearts especially those in the Ashanti region because Ashanti region is the stronghold of their major political opponent (NPP) so if members are not courageous and committed to the course of the party it will be tough for them to stick their necks out and dedicate themselves to speak for the party and so it was imperative that from time to time such workshops are organized to first of all appreciate their efforts, recognize their good work they are doing for the party and to further grease their elbows so that they would not relent but continue doing the good work they have always been doing.

He said,as a National Communications Officer, together with party members,they normally avail themselves to offer communicators training on how best they could explain party issues and also arm them with information, facts and figures.

“We also educate them on what to say and what not to say, equip them with the skills so that they can do their work properly for the party to gain massive recognition .”He added.

He revealed that , facilitators of the workshop shared with participants a lot of information, facts and figures and training on communication etiquettes and skills .

“We have done this so the task assigned to them in the region can be done and done well so that the party will be attractive to the people of the Ashanti region so that come 2024 the good policies and vision of Mr John Dramani Mahama would be well understood by the people of the Ashanti region and vote massively for John Mahama and the NDC. “He maintained.

This and other forgoing characters were the reasons for the workshop and confessed that the workshop has been largely successful and was grateful that members took the workshop very serious.

In response to a comment made by The Punch Newspaper ,that when it comes to development in the region the NDC does better anytime they’re in power but when it comes to elections they seem not to fare well in the region and if there was any different approach going into the 2024 elections, the communications officer said that, those are strategies that cannot be discussed in public, those are private matters discussed internally, those are all parts of the strategies they are employing to market their presidential candidate and all their various parliamentary candidates as well.

It is very true that all the major developmental projects in the Ashanti region was done by the NDC, there’s the need to clearly explain this to the people to assertain the truth, but how do we go about it? That’s the reason why from time to time we need to organize such workshops to build the capacities of our communicators and also equip them with the new skills that will help them explain well enough policies and programs as well as all matters concerning the party to the people to understand so as to make informed decisions at the polls, he added.

He assured all present that if this training is anything to go by then the trend will change come 2024, we shall see a significant improvement in the votes of the NDC thanks to the good work of communicators and of course other members of the party.He concluded.

For his part,Dr. Samuel Sarpong, National Vice Chairman of the NDC emphasized the importance of clear communication within the party.

Dr. Sarpong however urged the NDC leadership to send out messages that convincingly articulate the party’s stance and vision.

The call for clarity in communication is seen as a strategic move to engage and persuade party members effectively, aligning everyone with a shared understanding and purpose as the political landscape continues to evolve.

Dr. Samuel Sarpong provided reassurance to NDC party members and executives, affirming his commitment to fortifying the party’s structure.

In his assurance, he emphasized the importance of collaboration among all stakeholders, signaling a concerted effort to strengthen the foundation of the party.

This proactive stance aims to ensure resilience and solidity within the NDC, laying the groundwork for a cohesive and robust political entity as they navigate upcoming challenges and opportunities.

Source:The Punch Newspaper/Ayisah Foster

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