The general public has been advised to shun the traditional methods for cooking in the country and Patronize clean cookstoves.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Mohammed Aminu Lukumanu, Chief Executive Officer of Ghana Alliance For Clean Cookstoves indicated that, the regular households are arguably major offenders when it comes to air pollution in the country .
He said, major homes still use traditional methods for cooking and general heating activities, even more shocking is the use of traditional cook stoves, kerosene lamps among others in use in the urban cities.
He maintained that, as an organisation, they seek to impacting households with their clean cooking technologies in order to get rid of the traditional methods for cooking in our various homes.
Mr. Mohammed announced that, at GHACCO, they have maintained the reason for the existence and the need to be focused in achieving the sustainable developments as directed by the UN.
This behooves that they Promote partnerships among members of the alliance and other actors to ensure synergy in influencing policies and stimulating actions that contribute to a vibrant cookstove industry and sustainable utilization of biomass.
On his part, Mr. Raymond Kusorgba, National Policy Advocay and Communication Manager also deduced that, air pollution from energy emissions can be said to be major canker gradually eating away the quality of lives not to talk of the effect it has on our environment.
He said, due to this, Ghana Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GHACCO) has been established as a strong stakeholder platform to lead the front to catalyze a revolution in the cookstove sector and mobilize high level national and donor commitments towards the goal of universal adoption of clean cookstoves and in Ghana.
Source /Ayisah Foster