General News Politics

Joana Gyan-Cudjoe Addresses Amenfi Central Constituents After Massive Win


At long last the first step of the battle to gain the opportunity to serve the good people of Ghana and to continue the good work and vision of the NDC came to a peaceful end yesterday.

We thank the Almighty God for his protection, for the wisdom and understanding, for the victory and for all the wonderful things that happened before our eyes yesterday.

In the name of the Almighty God, the people of Amenfi Central at the various electoral areas and branches of the constituency , through the delegates, in exercise of our natural and inalienable right to establish a working government, efficient and effective for the growth and development of not just Amenfi Central but Ghana as a whole and to secure for ourselves and also to ensure inter generational equity, the blessings of liberty, financial freedom, equality of opportunity and prosperity; in a spirit of friendship and peace with all the people of this great party at the Amenfi Central Constituency and the nation as a whole and the principle that all the powers of governance come from the Sovereign Will of the People, nominated, selected , elected and installed to ourselves a candidates at the Presidential and Parliamentary Primaries to contest in the upcoming 2024 elections of Ghana on the ticket of the NDC of which I am proud to say that with your support, encouragement and assistance I emerged victorious.

On behal of my team, my family and I wish to state that we are eternally grateful and thankful for your time, prayers and support throughout this difficult times and processes in our efforts as a family to recapture power through the approved means as established by the 1992 Constitution and the constitution of the National Democratic Congress ( NDC).

Our burden, pain, times of sadness and grief, loneliness and despair were lessened by your encouragement, prayers, presence and support during this period of our struggle for power. We shall never forget your fairness, commitment, dedication, determination, kindness and others and shall forever be indebted to you for the generosity, the opportunity , the sacrifice, courage to tell the truth and to stand for justice, peace and security and the adherence to the principles and values of good and democratic governance and rule of law.

We are so so super happy and exited for the gains made in our efforts towards the sustenance of our democratic governance as a democratic party and nation.

The delegates in Amenfi Central have spoken and proven that they are the sovereign people of the constituency and that when they lose confidence and trust in you nothing could be done to change their decision and choices and that when God blesses you no one can curse could curse you.

Right from the beginning of the race from the declaration of intention to contest this primaries throughout to the final declaration of results, some of the aspirants, delegates, executives at the constituency , regional and national levels made it their mission and priority to ruin insults on me and indeed ruined insult on me on various platforms, gave hate speeches and castigated against me, casted aspersions and innuendos at me, made several efforts to disgrace, defame and malign me through the publication of false news on various media platforms and in the process created the environment for some people to hate, attack and believe in the false news even though they did not have any knowledge nor basis to do so.

Others walked to me face to face and insulted me, before during and after the vetting and throughout the processes to elect a Parliamentary Candidate, at the regional office at Tokoradi and National.

Many others did everything to make sure that l was disqualified; bring my reputation and the brand l have built over the years down and the reputation of my business into disrepute, damage them and cause disaffections, pain and suffering not just to me but to all those who believed in me and have invested their time, knowledge, wisdom, understanding , resources and others in me and bring me down.

They however failed to do any meaningful research and or seek for information or to hear the other side and become well informed. By failing to verify and seek information from my side before coming to such conclusions, they breached the rules of natural Justice, my fundamental human rights and abused my freedoms to participate in the democratic processes of our country towards achieving the political goal of our constitution as a sovereign nation.

Our God is able. He knows beyond human comprehension. He set standards and limits for us beyond human understanding and comprehension. As the fountain head and giver of all powers, blessings and knowledge and all other things, he proved himself yet again as the maker of all things and giver of life. God, who is not human but work through humans, who is ever faithful and loyal to his promise, who never makes the sons and daughters of the lion eat grass no matter what happens and no matter the circumstances and the situation turned all the negative stories, innuendos, aspersions, castigations, allegations, propagandas, the dirty politics, bad news and others into fertile grounds, good seeds and manures and lifted me above all odds to this glorious and magnificent position not for my sake nor to disgrace the evildoers but to glorify his own name and the one and only Alpha and Omega, who is the King of Kings and the final decision maker in all things.

The bad news gave me free publicity and advertisement which should have cost me millions to obtain. May the good Lord continue to bless those who distracted me and give them more resources and energy to continue to support and create more opportunities and platforms for me as we begin the next chapter of the journey to Victory 2024.

Over the past 39 years of my life as a young woman, who aspire to achieve success and also to impact on the life of others, I have gone through the ups and downs of life.

I have tasted poverty, hunger and misery ; I have also tasted wealth, riches and success; I have experience pain, sorrow, grief and sadness; I have also tasted happiness, joy , peace and other qualities of life and in all these l have learnt how to be fulfilled and content in these facets of life.

One of the principles and values of life that has helped me is to be happy, joyful content , appreciative of anything that the Good Lord gives me and thankful to him for whatever he bestows on me, no matter the situation and circumstances, be it good or bad.

The truth is that l am a poor woman’s daughter and l am not ashamed of my background and humble beginnings and l am happy about that, God’s grace favour continues to chase me wherever I go. This give me a perfect opportunity to testify for the goodness and grace that the good Lord has showered and continues to shower on me. My mother is a farmer, has been a farmer , continues to do farming and remains a farmer.

Today l want to take this opportunity to tell you that God never sleeps. He is always alive and faithful to his promise. l want to everyone to know and understand we are one people, one family and belong to a single mother ( the NDC).

Let us all come together in unity and purpose , with one vision work to bring victory not just for ourselves but for generations yet unborn.

We all need to understand and appreciate that, as we have accepted democracy and freedom of expression and continue to practice democracy, we can never bear fruits of anarchy, brutality, chaos, violence, injustice and others but good governance, rule of law, supremacy of the law, fundamental freedoms and other values and principles of democracy. We are all winners and victors of the day except that all of us can not represent the party in parliament at the same time but one. l , Joana Gyan Cudjoe, shall represent you all and work for the good of all. I would only be able to achieve results and move the party forward in continuing victory when we all come and board and hold the government firmly by their tail and make sure that the elephant goes back to the bush where it rightfully belong.

I congratulate you all, especially the aspirants, the delegates and the people of Ghana for the victory for democracy that we saw yesterday. You did it, not for me, but for the downtrodden, the marginalized in society and for posterity.

I am very passionate about the constituency and l am poised than ever to make that difference that the constituency need to transform the constituency.

Over the years l have through the benevolence of my investors contributed to the growth and development of the region through construction of boreholes, schools, scholarships etc over the years.

I thank God for the confidence and the faith of my investors, partners , advisors and others in me and strive to continue to give out my best for en constituency when elected to parliament from 2025. I would also ensure that all the investment , the network and the brand l have built over the years all worked to the good of the communities in the constituency and the country as a whole. I have always believed that with God on our side and his grace bestowed on us, we shall win and bring glory to the family in all the days of our live. This victory is beyond my imagination, though , it is within the expectations of the team.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite all the members of the other political parties in the constituency , the region and the nation at large to join the NDC.

The NDC party is the best party for the growth and development of Ghana and l take this opportunity to invite you to join. Please come in your numbers and let us put our resources together and make Ghana proud again.

I take this opportunity to thank the Council of Elders, the National Executive Committee, National , Regional and the constituency, the Branch and the entire party members for the opportunity to serve the NDC party and l promise to continue to serve and give out my best for the growth and development of the party and it’s sustenance and the country as a whole.

I also take this opportunity to thank all the delegates in Amenfi Central for the confidence repose in me and assure them that the victory of the NDC is coming again and so let the people say Ehay Dzobordooo. 3y3 Zu, 3y3 Za, 3y3 Zuza, 3y3 Zazu.
I love you all.

Election Results
Joana. 756. – 52.33%
Ackah. 575. – 39.79%
Daniel. 73. – 05.05%
Arhin. 39. – 02.69
Jones. 2. -00.14
Total Votes Cast: 1445

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