
Kumawu DCE Joins Empower Playgrounds Inc. To Commission 6-Unit Classroom block in the District



The District Chief Executive for Sekyere Kumawu in the Ashanti Region,Hon Samuel Addai joined the founder of Empower Playgrounds Inc., Mr Ben Markham, the country Director, Mr Isaac Darko – Mensah to officially commission a 6 unit classroom block with auxiliary facilities at Mobia, a deprived community in Sekyere Kumawu District.

Empower Playgrounds Inc.,a non governmental organization has already constructed 6 and 3 units classroom blocks with auxiliary facilities at Bahankra and Domaase all in Sekyere Kumawu District.

Empower Playgrounds Inc. is an NGO which invest in Education in deprived areas.

The DCE has however commended the founder and the Country Director for adopting Sekyere Kumawu District as destination for their investment in human lives, especially, life of the children for putting hope into their future.

The DCE promised to continue to be open and partner them to achieve more for the district as government alone can’t do all.

He then called on all stakeholders to ensure maintainece of the facility.

“Some NGOs love and leave but Empower Playgrounds Inc. Loves and stay.”He maintained.

The occasion was graced by Nananom from Besoro divisional council, staff from Social welfare Directorate, Education Directorate, and Sekyere Kumawu District Assembly.

The Member of Parliament for Kumawu constituency, Hon
Ernest Yaw Anim had earlier donated monodesk to the school and promised to do more for the school and MOBIA community at large.

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