
Centre for Local Governance Advocacy hold forum on 2023 District Level Elections




A forum was held today Wednesday 14th June 2023 by the Centre for Local Governance Advocacy ( CLGA) in Accra at the Erata hotel on the 2023 District Level Elections.

In her address at the forum, Hon. Gladys Gillian Naadu Tetteh, who is the Deputy Executive Director of the Centre for Local Governance Advocacy said the forum is aimed at drawing relevant stakeholders attention to critical issues related to the upcoming district level elections.


The forum is to raise awareness of stakeholders on the upcoming 2023 district level elections and the expected roles of non — state actors.

She said that the turnout at the district level elections in Ghana has not been encouraging, and that the 2019 voter turret up as a result of the proposed referendum to amend article 55 (3) of the 1992 constitution.

This year’s district level elections is around again and little is being heard about the elections, and this is a worry to us and many civil society Organisations.

Centre for Local Governance Advocacy as a key actor in the governance space , we deem it important to draw stakeholder’s attention to the current situation and to get them involved in ensuring mobilisation of the masses to participate in this democratic exercise.

District level elections in Ghana since the advent of decentralisation in the country in 1988, there has been eight elections in 1988/ 89, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2015 and 2019, at the district to elect representatives of Assembly Members and Unit Committee Members.


Over the years, district level elections in Ghana have been fraught with major challenges of apathy and low voter turnout.

The reasons alluded for this decline include little knowledge and appreciation of the local governance system and its usefulness to our democratic governance.

There is limited information on the local governance processes, failed promises and poor accountability by duty bearers.


The outcomes of the forum is to increased the awareness of the 2023 District Level Elections among the Ghanaian populace.

To improved the understanding of targeted stakeholders of Ghana’s local governance system,

To strengthened the capacity of Civil Society Organisations ( CSOs), Traditional Authorities, CBOs, and FBOs to mobilize citizens for improved voter turnout.

Enhanced appreciation of roles and mandate as non– state actors, increased voter turnout in the 2023 district level elections.

In his address at the forum, the Deputy Chairperson of the Electoral commission of Ghana incharge of Operations, Mr. Samuel Tetteh said the District Level Elections will take place this year on the 3rd of October 2023.

The forum was chaired by Dr. Grace Bediako, who added her voice to the issues of district level elections in Ghana.

Representatives at the forum included, Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Organization, Traditional Authorities, Assembly Members and potential Assembly Members, Unit Committee Members and potential Unit Committee Members, Persons with Disability ( PWDs) Groups. Women Groups, Youth Groups, NCCE, Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development. IMCC, as well the media…..Story by Bugbila Moadow.

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