
Macee Foundation To Organize Ghana Peace Flame Torch Relay Walk



Macce Foundation, a non -governmental organisation ( NGO) last Friday held a press conference on their upcoming project christened ‘Ghana Peace Flame Torch Relay Walk”

The project intends to mobilize Ghanaians from all walks of life, to embrace peace before, during and after the December, 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in the country.

Ghana is feverishly bracing up for yet another electoral contest, with a few months ahead for the choice of a President and Members of Parliament.

This year’s election will be the 9th election in the 4th Republican constitutional dispensation, which is a enviable milestone.

The Founder of the Macce Foundation, Mr. Henry Ahorlu, in addressing the media said the world is looking up to Ghana to defend , sustain and consolidate its globally hard won reputation and recognition as Africa’s beacon of democracy, epitome of peace and doyen of typical African hospitality and warmth.

Ghana is within a rather volatile, troubled – saturated and conflict ridden West African Sub- region, where political instability has taken over the better part of our neighboring countries such as Burkina Faso,Niger, Mali, Cameroun and Gabon.

The country’s peace and stability that all of us are enjoying today, cannot be taken for granted, considering the already charged political eco – system with proven signs and symptoms of tension, such as the level of harsh competitiveness between the duo dominant political parties — the New Partriotic Party ( NPP) and the National Democratic Party ( NDC) triggering national concerns.


The Macce Foundation which is committed to rolling – out the Peace Project with the intention of embarking on a campaign to ensure that PEACE, as ultimate, irreplaceable and non – substitutable ingredient of national cohesion, unity and development is allowed to reign supreme before, during and after the 2024 general elections .

Macee Foundation and its partners wants the upcoming elections to be nothing than a contest of ideas, demonstrated track records of achievements.


The only option we are left with is to mobilize behind these winners in re-packaging and re-branding Ghana towards massive opportunity creation for all, and also to ensure that the new crops of leaders are held accountable 24/7 in governance and control of our national resources.

Macce Foundation campaign will involve the use of a Ghana Peace Flame Torch Relay which symbolizes unity in diversity, peace ,social cohesion and the relight of our flame to mobilize citizens by passing the Ghana Peace Flame Torch Relay from one personality and institution to another in stages – across all the 16 regions of the country.

The Flame Torch is expected to hit several traditional authorities across the country, religious leaders as well as other key stakeholders of our country including our country’s political and civil society leaders.

We intend to embark on a peace journey with the Torch Flame within 60 days or two months, covering more than 6000 kilometers.

We appeal to all Ghanaians, corporate Ghana as well as public spirited individual and institutions that believe in the Ghana Peace Agenda to support the Macce Foundation both in kind and cash towards the realization of this laudable objective.

We warmly extend an invitation to the inky fraternity to join campaign fold as Torchbearers , Ambassadors, Awareness Creators, Fundraisers and publicity promoters for the ultimate Goal of achieving the aim of this project .

We need peace to reign, Peace must be achieved by the end of the December, 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections….Story by Bugbila Moadow.

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