
Money has no geographical location stop moving from one Country to another-COKA Admonishes




Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah, former Afigya Kwabre South Constituency Chairman of the New Patriotic Party in the Ashanti Region has advised that there’s no need for us , especially the youth of today to move from one Country to another in search of money because money he said has no geographical location.

He was of the view that,no matter where you stay or sit and work, with God’s direction you will succeed in life.

“Where you are leaving because of poverty, there’s someone who is a millionaire there so all you need is God’s direction and not just relocation.

God’s direction with hard work pays.”He Stated.

Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah (COKA),made this known in a statement updated on his status this morning.

Source: Ayisah Foster

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