Business General News

National Lottery Authority Set To Launch Super 6 Dividend Game



In order to boost the revenue generation capacity of Government as well as create jobs, the National Lottery Authority (NLA) is fully set to launch a new exciting game onto the market, the game is Super 6.

The Super 6 game would be launch on Tuesday, 6th August, 2019 alongside VAG Lotto.

The Super 6 is a dividend game where players have the opportunity to win a jackpot not less than Hundred Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 100, 000). Interestingly, there is no capping, players can even win more than GHS100, 000.

With Super 6, there are more ways to play and more chances to win.

Super 6 has the concept of Pick 6 and Pick 1-Pick 5. With Pick 6, players are expected to select any 6 non-repeatable numbers from 1 to 55 as a bet whereas with Pick 1-Pick 5, players can select any 1-5 numbers as a bet.

Super 6 is easier to play and there is a higher opportunity to win including a jackpot of not less than GHS100, 000. The Super 6 would be available on Android Point of Sales Terminals used for the VAG Lotto.

The Super 6 game would help to create jobs and increase the revenue generational capacity of National Lottery Authority (NLA)

Issued by: Public Relations Unit, NLA


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