General News Politics

President Nana Addo Praised For Re-nominating Hon.Samuel Addai Agyekum

Development Oriented group emanating from the Sekyere Kumawu District in the Ashanti Region has expressed their profound gratitude to His Excellency President Nana Addo and his able team for the endless love and trust extended to Mr. Samuel Addai Agyekum and Sekyere Kumawu as a whole, for the timely re-nomination of the nominee as DCE for Sekyere Kumawu for the second time.
“Having gained over 60% of the total votes cast in the last two sittings held at Besoro and Bomeng respectively, we are of a firm believe that, your nominee, Mr Samuel Addai Agyekum, would be approved in their next sitting.
We are by this release assuring His Excellency the President that, we will render our outmost quota in support of your nominee when approved, in making sure your Government good vision of making Sekyere Kumawu a better place to live come through, we are most grateful, Mr President.
Finally, we want to call on all our Honourable Assembly Members and the Government Appointees, to as a matter of urgency confirm the President’s nominee for us, in order for Sekyere Kumawu not to lag behind in receiving our fair share of the National cake through the developmental projects and others, spread across the length and breadth of Ghana, since the NPP took over power in 2017 under the leadership of President Nana Akuffo Addo, considering the fact that, your core mandate of representing we the people of Sekyere Kumawu at the Local Assembly, is to fight for the needed development on our behalf, let’s all help build Sekyere Kumawu together, our honourable members.
We wish the President’s nominee, Mr Samuel Addai Agyekum the best of luck in all his endeavors and congratulate him once again on his re-nomination”.This was stated in a release copied to today.

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