General News Politics

NIA completes printing of Ghana Cards in backlog since July 2022



The National Identification Authority (NIA) has completed printing the backlog of some 541,529 cards in its database, accumulated since July 2022.

The backlog arose from shortage of blank cards due to financial challenges. The NIA days ago commenced the expedited printing of the backlog of the cards which lasted for 11 days, with yesterday being the end.

A statement released by NIA’s Head of Corporate Affairs Directorate, Abudu Abdul Ganiyu, said the Authority had fulfilled its promise. It noted that it’s in pursuant to the promise it made to Members of Parliament on February 28, 2023 to print the said cards in 11 days upon receipt of a supply of blank cards.

“All Ghanaians who have registered for their Ghana Cards since July 2022 but are yet to receive them, are assured that effective Wednesday April 5, 2023, they can visit the District or Regional Offices where they registered for their printed cards to be issued to them,” the statement announced.

The NIA said in the statement that the expedited printing exercise, which begun on March 18, 2023, came to a smooth end on Monday with all records in backlog printed.

Ultimate objective

It stressed that the ultimate objective of this exercise was to print records of registered Ghanaians in backlog since July 2022.

The statement also indicated that with focus, rigour and coherence in project management and implementation, the Authority achieved this feat with a dedicated team of Supervisors, Assistant Technical Support Officers and Assistant Technical Enrolment Officers drawn from its Headquarters, Regional and Districts Offices.

“The staff worked fervently for ten continuous days in two shifts – day and night. The printed cards, which are now being packaged, will be distributed to NIA’s Regional and District Offices nationwide from today Wednesday March 29, 2023 to Sunday, April 2, 2023 for issuance to registered applicants,” the statement added.

The NIA further reaffirmed its commitment to serving the public and the nation as whole with respect, dignity, integrity and efficiency as a dedicated and responsible public sector institution.

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