Education Information & Technology

Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal Assembly Commences Construction Of 1NO. 2 Storey ICT Centre


The Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal Assembly in partnership with the Prestea Huni-Valley Education Directorate, Implementors, Helping Africa Foundation and Friends of Yamoransah Foundation has commenced the construction of a 1 No. 2 storey ICT center at Bogoso.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of October, 2020. The building when completed will contain 3D/Robotics/Printing room, conference/projecting room, ICT lab, washrooms and an office for managers.
The building is funded with the Assemblies Mineral Development fund whilst the furnishing will be done by the partners.

The edifice will be managed by the Municipal Education Directorate.

Source: Ansah Info

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