General News Politics

Prof.Ransford Gyampo Writes About 30% Increment Of Utility Tariffs By Nana Addo



After grueling struggles and intense negotiations, this government withdrew the 15 percent Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) and increased the base pay of public sector workers by 30 percent.

What this actually mean is that, workers’ salary was increased by a paltry 15 percent effective January 1, 2023.

But effective February 1, 2023, Electricity Tariff has been increased by 30 percent; and Water Tariff has gone up by 8.3 percent. Fuel prices are expected to shoot up by 5-10 percent while LPG price is expected to increase between 20-25 percent this same month of February.

This is the height of insensitivity displayed by a government that created a sense of hope among public sector workers to catapult it to power.

The disappointment is both monumental and legendary and if nothing is done, this regime will go down in Ghana’s political history as the worst!

Dear UTAG; Dear TUC; and Dear All Public Sector Workers,

Are we going to sit down to allow a government that grants us merely 15 percent base pay increment to heap all these tariff hikes on us? We must meet and talk. We won’t sacrifice because they haven’t displayed any sacrifice for us to see!

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