Agriculture Education

Senior High Schools Have Enough Food-Education Ministry

The Education Ministry has announced that there is no food shortage in Senior High Schools (SHS’s) across the country.
According to the Deputy Minister for Education, Rev. John Ntim Forjour, speculations being peddled around that there is a food shortage in certain SHS’s are unfortunate and attempt to create a negative impression against the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo flagship programme which has been accepted by the nation and the rest of the world.
The Deputy Minister made the denial on Monday to the media after an unannounced visit to some selected SHS in the Greater Accra region.
Some of the schools visited by the Deputy Minister are O’ reilly SHS, Tema SHS and Achimota SHS among others.
The visit was aimed at ascertaining the fact about speculations by a section of the media that some SHS had run short of food.
Again, the visit was also used to wish candidates writing the ongoing West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) well and encourage them to work hard to get the best results at the end of the examinations.
The General Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Mr Thomas Musah in 2018 granted an interview on TV 3 where he complained about the shortage of food in some SHS in the country then.
Three years after the interview, the said video keeps popping up and creating the impression that there has been a food shortage in the schools again.
When the Education Ministry called the General Secretary of GNAT to pinpoint the specific schools for a follow-up, he denied granting such an interview again and expressed surprise at the video and admitted that the circulating video is an old tape.
He was upbeat that with the current response measures put in place by the Ministry, the issue of food shortage has not been a challenge again.
In a related development, the Minister for Education, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, last Thursday evening embarked on a surprising visit to the Presbyterian Boys Senior High School (PRESEC) Legon to interact with the students and staff.
It was fun seeing the Education Minister spending time with first-year students of the school during prep.
The visit gave the Minister the opportunity to assess how their evening studies were organized as he had the opportunity to teach mathematics in one of the classrooms. Foster

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