
Soil Research Institute Cooperative Credit Union Launches 25th Anniversary



Soil Research Institute Cooperative Credit Union located at Agric -Nzema in the Kwadaso municipality of the Ashanti Region has launched its 25th anniversary.

Speaking after a walk towards the celebration of the event ,Mrs Juliet Amoako Adomah , Manageress of the Credit Union proposed regular walking exercise as one of the surest ways of healthy living.

According to her, regular walking is one of the surest ways to guarantee healthy living, and keeps one from regular visit to the clinic.

The walk was furnish with Free health screening for customers and individuals within the kwadaso municipality where it operates.

The exercise was to give back to the society and show appreciation to customers for their loyalty.

The health screening exercise benefitted hundreds of people who were screened for various medical conditions, including breast cancer, hepatitis, malaria, diabetes and hypertension.

Over 100 persons who were diagnosed with various ailments were immediately referred to hospitals for further examinations.

The doctors also issued prescriptions for other minor conditions that patients reported during the screening.

Mrs Mrs Juliet Amoako Adomah
said the exercise formed part of the corporate social responsibility of the soil research institute cooperative credit union and was hopeful that numerous clients would continue to take the opportunities offered to become more concerned about their health.

Some of the beneficiaries expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the management of soil research Institute co-operative credit union for the gesture.

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