Agriculture General News

Tension mounts at Barekese over alleged destruction of farmlands by chief



Tension is mounting at Barekese  in the Atwima Nwabiagya North District of Ashanti Region, as the youth have threatened bloody clash with encroachers to protect their farmlands being encroached upon.

The community has come under siege with the indiscrimate sale of lands and destruction of farmlands by unknown persons.

The youth, however, suspect their embattled chief, Nana Amoapim Brenyah, is behind the development and have declared war on any person who indulges in the sale and destruction of their lands without recourse to the owners of the land.

There is a standoff between the chief and his elders on one side and the youth of the community on the other following which they (youth) purportedly destooled the chief in absentia in August last year.

The impasse was resolved by the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II who gave Nana Brenyah the chance to go to the community and reconcile with the youth and family heads for the development of the community.

But the chief, who is mostly absent from the town, according to the youth, has resurfaced with the indiscrimate development of the lands.

Miss Eunice Addai, a youth leader complained at a press conference that cash and food crops are being destroyed in the area without restraint.

According to her, a complaint has been lodged with the Suame Divisional police to intervene and stop the wanton destruction of their lands to avert any bloody clash with perpetrators.

The youth leader noted that farmlands are the source of livelihood for families who own them and cautioned that the youth would resist attempts to encroach upon such lands without their consent.

She said the chief is back to his old ways that culminated in the impasse last year which has contributed to the stifling of development in the community.

According to the youth the stock in trade of the chief is to engage thugs to terrorize land owners in order to sell lands irrespective of whether the parcel of land is already acquired or belongs to a family unit.

He is also said to have adopted a “one man” show of leadership and thus sidelined heads of the Assinie, Asokore, Asona, Bretuo and Asiakwa families.

Miss Eunice Addai has therefore stated that they would not be intimidated by the chief who feels he is untouchable and called on the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to call the chief to order to avert any confrontation. E N D.

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