Education General News

TEWU Kicks Against Government’s Dicision To Resource Private Managers To Overtake Public Schools Administration

Teachers and Education Workers Union (TEWU) has kicked against government decision to resource some private managers to take over the administration of some public schools in Ghana. Addressing the 12th quadrennial National Delegates Conference on Wednesday 29 August 2019 at KNUST,the Acting General Secretary, Mark Dankyira Korankye said the idea will serve as profits arena for the private managers in the name of managing our public schools. “We are not oppose to having private school operators but we are oppose to the idea that resources would be made available to such private operators to enable them make their profits in the name of managing better our educational system” The theme for the conference:”60 Years of TEWU’s Contribution to the Development of Equitable, Inclusive and Quality Education Delivery Ghana”. “I believed that we have qualify managers in the public schools but their issue has to do with resources so if government has any resources to be given to such private managers then government should resources the public schools and get them to function efficiently as the private schools “. He stressed. He said,to see improvement in the running and managing of public schools,there is the need to invest and invest properly in the public schools through the improvement of infrastructure and the human capital. We are therefore also calling on government as a matter of urgency, to recruit more non-teaching staff to lessen the burden on the current staff while ensuring they are well paid. “We also call on government to look into the sharing of intervention money released to the school and give the non-teaching staff what is right” According to them,the secondary education have experienced a significant growth in terms of enrolments due to the free SHS hence increasing the workload of the non teaching staff. He said,the services of the non-teaching staff should not be disregarded because they complement the work of teachers and to the development of teachers. “Quality education will hamper if the role of non-teaching staff are not recognized because they form an integral part of the educational system and their services are indispensable in the quest for quality education in Ghana”he added. He indicated that, evidence from the Educational Sector Performance Report in 2018 confirms that Secondary education has experienced a significant growth in terms of enrolments from 758,465 of which (8.8%) private in 2011/12 to 1,008,237 of which (6.1% private) in 2016 before an additional of almost 100,000 a year since 2017/18 academic year—thanks to Free SHS and Double Track System” He commended the government for taking such a bold initiative. He pleaded with the government to expand the existing infrastructure and create more institutions to be able to absorb the increasing number of SHS graduates who will be coming out in 2020. Source Foster

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