
The Thuggery and Barbaric Attack On UTV Last Night Unfortunate-PRINPAG




The Private Newspapers and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG), has noted with deep concern, the barbaric and uncivilized attack on United Television (UTV) by some thugs during the station’s United Showbiz programme on Saturday, October, 7, 2023. The thugs invaded and disrupted the prime time show while it was being aired live.

As an Association of media owners, we abhor these attacks on journalists and media houses in the country and we condemn the attack in no uncertain terms and without any reservation. We are concerned about the continued occurrence of such acts in a country that used to boast proudly of its rankings on global press freedom indexes.

It is important to note that, recently Ghana dropped two places – from 60th in 2022 to 62nd in 2023 in the annual Global Press Freedom ranking by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and a deliberate action to restore hope on the Ghanaian media landscape is urgently needed.

However, actions such as what occurred at UTV on Saturday night further enhances the deterioration of confidence and erodes all gains made in achieving a positive ranking in the years ahead.

It is however heartwarming to hear that, the police moved in swiftly to arrest 16 members of the thugs to avert a possible blood bath.

We at PRINPAG would like to take this opportunity to call on all stakeholders, especially the Police to expedite action on the 16 persons arrested and arraign them before a court of competent jurisdiction so as to serve as a deterrent to others.

We wish to further encourage journalists in the country not to be frightened or cowed by these incidents, rather, they should resolve to do their work as the Fourth Estate of the realm without fear or favor going by the ethics of their profession.

Long Live Press Freedom, Long Live PRINPAG.


Jeorge Wilson Kingson
Ag. Executive Secretary

Andrew Edwin Arthur

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