On behalf of the National Executive Council (NEC) of our noble party Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG), I wish all Ghanaians a merry Christmas.
Though we were confronted with a litany of economic challenges as citizens of this dear country, the special grace of GOD has sustained us to the end of this year 2022.
We should be grateful to GOD for that and hope to see better things in the years ahead.
I wish to size this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all those whose indefatigable support and allegiance has brought LPG this far.
LPG NEC is so grateful for your commitment, the hard work exhibited in the discharges of your roles, all aimed at winning massive electoral support insofar the victory of the party come 2024 general election.
I must reiterate confidently that LPG is winning the upcoming 2024 presidential election and nothing can thwart this political fortune.
The party is more solid than before.
I will therefore encourage party executives and supporters to maintain their allegiance for the party and continue to work hard because victory is sure come 2024.
I pray that God will protect us from all forms of evil so that we will all enter next year with renewed hope, commitment and a spirit of hard work to continue with the various tasks God has entrusted us with.
Long live LPG!
Long live Ghana!!
Percival Kofi Akpaloo
(Founder and Leader-LPG)