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“When You See A Dry Season Never Think It Will Be Dry Forever”-COKA Writes On Economic Hardship


When you see a dry season never think it will be dry forever because rainy season will also come. Seasons are powerful and no church, politician, political party, government or nation can have one season forever.

Yesterday, l met a former government appointee and his condition was bad. He told me what he has to eat and his medical expenses are even a problem and all his friends don’t visit him anymore or pick his calls.

I asked myself what he did in his time of glory and did he think there was going to be change in season? Any country, government, or M.P who does not take good care of their youth today will have problems with the youth in future.

Do you have someone that you can call for help no matter the time or season? If not, then you should check your relationship with others well because visionary leaders do not maintain followers but they change them to leaders and agents of change. Do not let generation pass without you investing in others when you can.


Seasons will change or come and go so build quality relationships, pick your calls, reply our messages, talk to people nicely, help others and don’t let your position, power or cash get to your head. Coka,l care.

Economic Hardship:COKA Writes

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