General News Politics

Will free SHS ,other gov’t policies be canceled now that we’re running to IMF?-WN NDC Communication Bureau 

Mr.Sam Jerome, Western North Regional Communication Officer of the great National Democratic Congress is asking if the popular Free SHS and other government policies be canceled now that Ghana is running to the international monetary fund for bailout?.
According to him,free SHS is one of the most popular policies of the  ruling New Patriotic government which its intent and purpose is to help reduce the burden and pressure on parents.
He said,even though the policy was poorly implemented and one that was on the basis of populism, it can’t be said to be a bad policy. It is instructive to posit that the policy has come to stay and must be perfected by successive government which the NDC has solemnly promised to do.
It is however, unfortunate that the NPP has decided to capitalize on this policy at the very least of every conversation.
 Capitalizing on the emotions and sentiments of Ghanaians, they often play the propagandist role in relation to this particular pro poor policy which even has lost it pro poor intent due to how it was implemented.
“Prior to the passage of E-levy, the NPP made Ghanaians to believe that if we don’t accept the E-levy but rather go to IMF, some policies which include that of free SHS will be canceled. This was forcefully defended and hanged on the neck of the people.  Some leading members of the NPP without mincing words emphatically stated so.  Hon Okyere Baafi, MP for New Juaben South is one of such leading members who stated on the 15th February, 2022 as such. See; This I must say though was false, it scared some section who only want best for themselves and their kids.
It is however interesting today to see same government that strongly argued against IMF now in talks with it for assistance.
It is important to ask the government if free SHS will be cancelled now that they are in talks with the IMF? Must the pupils and parents of the Western North Region be alarmed by this decision and think free SHS will be canceled?If no then I can say without any equivocation that all this NPP government has been doing is to play on the minds of Ghanaians.
We must come to a realization and reject this government come 2024.”He concluded in a statement copied to

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