
Yamfo Youth Chase MP Over Abandoned Projects



The youth of Yamfo in the Tano North Constituency in the Ahafo region have lashed out at the Member of Parliament for the area Hon Freda Prempeh who also doubles as the minister for Sanitation for commissioning uncompleted projects and several abandoned projects.

The aggrieved youth say they are fed up with the MP’s failure to deliver on her campaign promises and failure to complete the numerous abandoned projects she has innittiated in the area.

According to the youth, the Sanitation minister recently commissioned a toilet facility at Yooyoano in the Yamfo community without the accompanying manhole which resulted in an unpleasant situation as a result of it’s usage which eventually forced the sanitation department to shut it down to avert an outbreak of cholera in the area.

Could you imagine how the liquid content just came out from the toilet and spread all over the area to pollute the Yooyookrom community, Mr Kusi Emmanuel the leader of the concern youth narrated to the media.

Our MP is not working, having failed to deliver on her promises. We have no choice but to show her the exit because we have had enough. We only become a priority when elections are fast approaching, and we can’t continue this way, they added”.

They cited the MP’s failure to complete the construction of girls dormitory at Yamfo College of health which she has abandoned for the last 6 years, construction of market at Yamfo which she has abandoned over 5 years now, construction of school buildings in the area among others.

Mr Kusi Emmanuel opined that the member of parliament has commissioned a mechanised borehole at Assin a farming community near Yamfo knowing very well that it operates on electricity and there is no electricity in the community, she has also done similar project in other communities, this is something we can not allow to continue because she has taken us for granted for far too long “he indicated”.

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