Education Politics

 ‘My passion for education pre-dates my becoming Minister for Education’-Napo to Asantehemaa

Former Education Minister and current Minister in charge of Energy,Dr.Mathew Opoku Prempeh has said that,his passion for education pre-dates his becoming Minister of Education.
According to him,he has always held the view that, it is through education that talents are shaped and the human resource of any country is consolidated.
 It is through the vehicle of education that the charcoal seller’s son and the Bank Manager’s son can sit around one table.
Dr.Mathew Opoku Prempeh (Napo) said this at the official commissioning of the Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II Library today at Ashtown in Kumasi,the Ashanti Regional Capital.
He revealed that ,it was  for this reason that he founded  it not just necessary but highly expedient through the support of GETFUND and the District Assemblies Common Fund to get a Library facility, central to the development of education built in his  constituency.
 The library complex will have in it, literature right from kindergarten to tertiary and will be a critical resource not just for the people of Manhyia but the entire region.
He said, reading  is not just an art but a religion. He dared  said religion because it is the single most important medium through which knowledge was acquired.
” The Bible even says in Hosea 4:6, “For lack of knowledge my people perish”. For us in Manhyia, we will continue to read the bible and all forms of books in order not to perish.
 I do recall with nolstagia, my formative years as a child in AshTown, how the spirit of reading was imbibed in me by my parents, uncles and grandparents.
I was made to believe that it is through reading that I would be able to reason well, become analytical, stimulate memories and broaden my imagination.
 This has stuck with me all the way to my adulthood where I have a sizeable library in my home. I believe that, in life, we never stop learning. This is exactly the spirit and philosophy, that I want to imbibe in our young ones here in Manhyia. I believe the biggest legacy I can leave them as their Member of Parliament and developmental Agent, is to set them on a path for greatness through reading and thus, this library complex.”He indicated.
The former Education Minister further noted that,a lot has been said about what underpins the reason to name the facility after Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II, and therefore, would not want to repeat same.
According to the Member of Parliament for Manhyia South Constituency in the Ashanti Region, Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem’s  invaluable contributions to education and Asanteman is absolutely remarkable,which he said is very much in order to do her this honour.
“Let me also thank the Ghana Library Authority for the support thus far. We further count on the Authority to continuously equip, maintain and manage this library for the benefit of all of us.
  I want to end with a quote from J.K. Rowling who said; “when in doubt go to the library”. I urge all us, young and old to take advantage of this important resource as we seek on a daily basis to broaden our horizons. Congratulations to all of us!.He added.
He however acknowledged  and expressed  his sincere gratitude to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, the “AsaaseWura”.
He hinted,Otumfuo graciously gave him  the land for the construction of the monumental learning infrastructure which saw to the construction of the library facility.
 “In fact, Otumfuo’s passion for education is a matter of public record.
 His contributions can be recounted all day and forever.
This construction and furnishing of this library was also made possible through the support of the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFUND) and my share (as Member of Parliament) of the District Assemblies Common Fund. I want to express profound gratitude to these two development agencies. Indeed, this gesture is a testament of government’s continued commitment to supporting the advancement of education at all levels in this country.  “He concluded.
Former Education Minister and current Minister in charge of Energy,Dr.Mathew Opoku Prempeh has said that,his passion for education pre-dates his becoming Minister of Education.
According to him,he has always held the view that, it is through education that talents are shaped and the human resource of any country is consolidated.
 It is through the vehicle of education that the charcoal seller’s son and the Bank Manager’s son can sit around one table.
Dr.Mathew Opoku Prempeh (Napo) said this at the official commissioning of the Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II Library yesterday at Ashtown in Kumasi,the Ashanti Regional Capital.
He revealed that ,it was  for this reason that he founded  it not just necessary but highly expedient through the support of GETFUND and the District Assemblies Common Fund to get a Library facility, central to the development of education built in his  constituency.
 The library complex will have in it, literature right from kindergarten to tertiary and will be a critical resource not just for the people of Manhyia but the entire region.
He said, reading  is not just an art but a religion. He dared  said religion because it is the single most important medium through which knowledge was acquired.
” The Bible even says in Hosea 4:6, “For lack of knowledge my people perish”. For us in Manhyia, we will continue to read the bible and all forms of books in order not to perish.
 I do recall with nolstagia, my formative years as a child in AshTown, how the spirit of reading was imbibed in me by my parents, uncles and grandparents.
I was made to believe that it is through reading that I would be able to reason well, become analytical, stimulate memories and broaden my imagination.
 This has stuck with me all the way to my adulthood where I have a sizeable library in my home. I believe that, in life, we never stop learning. This is exactly the spirit and philosophy, that I want to imbibe in our young ones here in Manhyia. I believe the biggest legacy I can leave them as their Member of Parliament and developmental Agent, is to set them on a path for greatness through reading and thus, this library complex.”He indicated.
The former Education Minister further noted that,a lot has been said about what underpins the reason to name the facility after Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II, and therefore, would not want to repeat same.
According to the Member of Parliament for Manhyia South Constituency in the Ashanti Region, Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem’s  invaluable contributions to education and Asanteman is absolutely remarkable,which he said is very much in order to do her this honour.
“Let me also thank the Ghana Library Authority for the support thus far. We further count on the Authority to continuously equip, maintain and manage this library for the benefit of all of us.
  I want to end with a quote from J.K. Rowling who said; “when in doubt go to the library”. I urge all us, young and old to take advantage of this important resource as we seek on a daily basis to broaden our horizons. Congratulations to all of us!.He added.
He however acknowledged  and expressed  his sincere gratitude to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, the “AsaaseWura”.
He hinted,Otumfuo graciously gave him  the land for the construction of the monumental learning infrastructure which saw to the construction of the library facility.
 “In fact, Otumfuo’s passion for education is a matter of public record.
 His contributions can be recounted all day and forever.
This construction and furnishing of this library was also made possible through the support of the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFUND) and my share (as Member of Parliament) of the District Assemblies Common Fund. I want to express profound gratitude to these two development agencies. Indeed, this gesture is a testament of government’s continued commitment to supporting the advancement of education at all levels in this country.  “He concluded.
Source: the

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